Will Porn Users Go To Hell?


"IF" there is no God . . . .does that mean that there is no hell ? :confused: :helpme:

Great ! So we're all food for the maggots ! :p

Will E Worm

First off I would like to say I'm not a spambot for any church organization. Secondly I myself is a Christian.

You is? :D I had to. :tongue:

Many of my friends say no with varies reasons such as, people have done worse things such as murder, rape, women beaters, racist, ect.

No one can justify themselves by saying someone else has done worse.

If so Charles Manson is a choir boy compared to some people.
Remember his followers committed the murders, not Manson himself.
Ephesians 5:5

For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.

From, my understanding of the Bible, though, viewing porn WON'T send you to hell if you've accepted Jesus into your heart. Your sins are 'washed away'. But you should desire to do what God wants for you to be it if you truly to have Jesus in your heart.

I don't think Catholics subscribe to that, exactly, though. I'm going by real Christianity.
"Will porn users go to Hell?"

Isn't the internet fantastic?

I mean, what better way to find out what kind of people walk among us. A presumably religious person has come to the place where people convene to discuss the complexities of seeing Denise Milani's nipples and/or which interracial anal gape DVD's are their favourites and asks "Will porn users go to Hell?"

Perhaps the person asking the question wants to make sure he won't be cast into eternal damnation should he get the urge to whack off to the image of Janine Lindemulder putting her finger in her asshole. It is better to be safe than sorry... but is this the best place to ask?

Maybe your local priest or reverend or shaman can tell you if porn use will condemn your soul. If you're lucky maybe you can get away with stroking your cock to some softcore and still shake hands with Jesus should you succumb to an untimely end. Not all porn is created equal. St Paul probably has more questions for the guy with the voluminous German scat porn collection than the guy who would rub one out to an episode of Baywatch.

And in the end, maybe a porn user wants to go to Hell. I'm guessing that in Heaven "ass to mouth" sex is frowned upon, as is blowing your load on Mother Theresa's face. But in Hell, it's all jizz, all the time. Where do you want to be?
I'm going to hell for A LOT of reasons. Porn is just gonna be the cherry on top of the sundae.
I don't believe in God, so - No :)

God doesn't run hell. That other guy does. :D

But then, I don't really believe that either one is much more than mythology, so my answer is "no".

I'm not sure how a guy who sits in his home, and watches people have sex so he can pleasure himself would burn eternally while some clown who beats his wife and is a total prick except for Sunday mornings would somehow be a candidate for a harp and some wings.

Clearly you don't know my ex wife, or you'd have a different view. She could only have come from there....


Some women are devilspawn just like some of them are angels.
Porn watchers? No, I don't think so.
It can help to relieve tension and help to keep you from pre-marital sex.
So I can't see why god would be so objective to it.
At least you aren't getting a girl pregnant and then abandoning the baby
If there really were a heaven and hell, you would have to think the criterion for deciding who is going where would be something meaningful.
So be a force for good in the world, enjoy your porn and don't worry about it.
Watching porn isn't necessarily any more wrong than shooting somebody in a violent video game. Nobody, especially the an all wise, intelligent, and powerful supreme omniscient being, is going to somehow confuse that with a person really wanting to kill people or have sex with people they shouldn't. :2 cents:
First of all there is no God or Devil, and secondly even if there is a God would he hold it against us for looking at things that he created? If a woman's body is so sinful wouldn't that be a contradiction considering that he'sthe one who made woman in the first place?
I gave it a long and serious thought. May I please ask a question in return?

Where the porn stars will go? Heaven or Hell? Wherever they go, we, the porn-user (I don't like the word. It should be porn-watcher.) will follow them. How do we get entertained over there otherwise?