Wii outsells 360, PS3 and PSP combined!

Actually i was talking to my mum not long ago about the Wii, (cause she works at an electronics store) an she was saying that the Wii was designed to get people off the couch and to move around an stuff, not just sit then and get headshots on people (guilty).
I dont think there is that much a difference between sitting and standing while flailing your arms like an idiot for 10 minutes.
I can see the appeal of the Wii. At least two of my friends have told me they have nto had this much fun w/ a video game system in yrs, one of them a self-professed hardcore gamer. I haev not had a chance to play w/ it myself, but i would like to get one. I don't think i will love it anymore near as much as i love my 360, though.
I can see the appeal of the Wii. At least two of my friends have told me they have nto had this much fun w/ a video game system in yrs, one of them a self-professed hardcore gamer. I haev not had a chance to play w/ it myself, but i would like to get one. I don't think i will love it anymore near as much as i love my 360, though.

its appealing to old people and Young kids

Renee Perez

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
i love the wii, i play it with friends, not much good to play solo. nintendo hit a home run with this console, true the grapics aren't that great (but then MP3's sound worse than CD's and people are downloading those like hot cakes!!!) but when ever a system is a successful as the wii all the other consoles makers will follow suit in some way shape or fashion. the shear sales volume of the Wii is staggering!!! and still gaining momentum.


knows petras secret: she farted.
the wii is brilliant. its affordable and fun. they thought outside the box to make it interactive, not to mention the exercise factor. mine was worth every penny. the graphics differ form game to game, some are really good and some are simple. dont expect cutting edge graphics from shit like nintendogs.

Renee Perez

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Anyone who says the Wii sucks has not played Super Mario Galaxy. Shame it doesn't have blood and gore in it. Just good gameplay...
Really, so Mario Galaxy is killer? think i might go out and rent to see what it is your talking about. thanks for the suggestion. Renee
I think the wii is more creative. n they dont copy no 1 unlike playstation and xbox. they be copying each others ideas. and it more fun to play


I am not really a Wii fan. I personally don't like the remote, but I do like some of the games. At least it breaks away from the other systems. PS3 and 360 don't have a ton of exclusives anymore.
Dragon Quest X is scheduled for the Wii. End of story. The Japanese will put the greatest amount of their vast consumer dollars on w/e system that series goes to, I think. I would have liked to see a comparison including the NDS though...
The Wii is perfect for the casual gamer. Myself, I'm more of a "hardcore" gamer so to me the Wii has very little appeal especially when it comes to its game library.
I have both a PS3 and a Wii. I have the Wii for the fun and more casual games and then the PS3 for challenge and great story driven games.

I was neve a nintendo fan boy but I am glad to see that they have come back to being so popular.
too bad you can count the good games the system has on one hand.

wii is horrible compaired to PS3 and Xbox360.

hell, i'd rather the PS2 than a wii.
too bad you can count the good games the system has on one hand.

wii is horrible compaired to PS3 and Xbox360.

hell, i'd rather the PS2 than a wii.

Totally agree. I bought my g/f the Wii last summer and we got bored with it after 3-4 months. She only uses it for Wii Fit. The Wii is a great gimmick but the games & graphics are lame.
I've got a Wii (for free with my internet) and a PS3, and to be honest: the PS3 is way better. But my wife is more into the Wii (while she's no gamer at all), so I guess that's the Wii strong point.