Wigs in porn.

Who had/has the best and worse?

Layla Jade worn one for a substantial period of her career. For what reason I can offer no idea. :confused: It wasn't as if she suffered from baldness or some such.


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From the pics I just looked at she seems to have just very thin/fine hair. Not very glamorous for a photo shoot or movie. I don't know of others, but I can guess the reason for wearing them for many was the result of overprocessing their hair and damaging it. Or to avoid damaging it, preventive maintenance if you will. I mean all of the stars it seems can be found as a redhead, brunette or blond at some point. Just IMO.

I saw a scene which Belladonna during her short hair faze wearing a long black wig which she took off midway through the scene, cant remember the movie.
Wigs? Are we talking about clown porn? :clown: :jester:
You know, this is interesting. I have had a theory for awhile that we actually see a lot more wigs in porn than we even realize. I mean, not every woman can have beautiful hair, and as LadyLove mentioned, most stars can be found in a multitude of different shades. If one girl wanted to do one shoot blonde, then why dye the hair when you can just wear a wig and go back to your old hair color right afterward. It's a good way to try the appeal of a new color.
You know, this is interesting. I have had a theory for awhile that we actually see a lot more wigs in porn than we even realize. I mean, not every woman can have beautiful hair, and as LadyLove mentioned, most stars can be found in a multitude of different shades. If one girl wanted to do one shoot blonde, then why dye the hair when you can just wear a wig and go back to your old hair color right afterward. It's a good way to try the appeal of a new color.

Sorry to bump such an old thread, but it's definitely likely that guys'll often see girls in porn wearing wigs and won't so much as realise it. I'm a girl with a full-on (and annoyingly unusual) fetish for wigs and so kinda know all there is to know about them. From experience, guys only spot wigs if they're incredibly obvious and are generally the very cheap/unflattering costume kind. I have a ridiculous amount of wigs and I daresay that they'd fool almost all of you. (;

Saying that, though, they're not as commonplace in porn as you might think, which is a source of endless distress for me, hehe. I pretty much collect porn that has women wearing wigs and so spend what feels like half of my life trawling through sites looking for stuff. I can honestly spot EVERY kind of wig (it's my one true skill in life) but I'd say that for every 100 photosets or links I check, I'll be lucky to find one in which a girl is wearing a wig. Hmph.
i don't like wigs, especially women should show their own hair.
I used to know a gal that worked at a strip club/ She wore wigs all the time, you would be suprised how real it looked. I bet there are are more wigs in porn than you would guess.
Incidentally, Layla Jade started wearing the (admittedly quite bad) wig because she had a botched bleach-job and needed to cover it up. I've seen a video where she's wearing a dark wig, too.
wigs art OK if ya don't have much hair,but i miss braids,i think braids on females are so dam sexy,plus the don't fall off like a wig
Sandee Westgate did a lot wearing a wig. Her look changed from blonde (there she took on brunette wigs occasionally) to dark brunette. Now as a brunette with shorter hair, she apperaed with a blonde and a lightbrown wig.

wigs art OK if ya don't have much hair,but i miss braids,i think braids on females are so dam sexy,plus the don't fall off like a wig