Anyone know what's up with Wifey? Her face is looking rough lately. I've been fapping to her since the internet was new and she was a Usenet\Yahoo Groups whore, and I've never seen her like this. Worried she's not well. :O
Anyone know what's up with Wifey? Her face is looking rough lately. I've been fapping to her since the internet was new and she was a Usenet\Yahoo Groups whore, and I've never seen her like this. Worried she's not well. :O

I think it is just age.....I believe she is in her 50's now, and I definitely notice some change around her eyes. She also seems to be wearing more makeup these days, and it doesn't look good. However, I do still enjoy those big tits and love the fact that she is fucking other guys now....bareback no-less!!!! Bring on some girls now!!
I think it is just age.

Could be I guess. I'm a member of her site and it seems like she's changed drastically in the past 6 or 9 months, but could just be me. And I agree, the new "extra curricular activities" vids are fucking awesome! It probably will never happen but I'm hoping for a gangbang before she retires.