Any suggestions?
Advice for her?
I told her I wanted to pick them.... not the size, just how they will ultimately look... based on what I can find in this site.
She's feels a little guilty/selfish wanting to spend so much money on something like that.
She's lost a lot of weight and her boobs shrunk as part of the process...
I dated a woman who got them done while we were dating. She had a choice of three sizes. They would make her either C cup, large C cup or very large C cup/small D cup.
She asked me what I thought (I LOVE big boobs which she knew). But I said the middle ones. Because she was not a big gal (only 5'1") and I did not want her to look too busty for her relatively little frame - for her sake.
She ended up getting the biggest and they looked (and felt) fabulous.
My point is that I think she should pick the size. It's her body, not yours. And their is no guarantee that you two will be together forever - despite the wedding rings.
Besides, if she is unhappy with the size you pick for her - she will resent you on some level. And I would not blame her really.
Unless you are paying for them (my then girlfriend paid for them all herself), then I think it should be all her decision. Tell her what you want, but leave the choice to her. For your sake and hers.
Hope it works out.