Wife wants a boob job

Any suggestions?

Advice for her?

I told her I wanted to pick them.... not the size, just how they will ultimately look... based on what I can find in this site.

She's feels a little guilty/selfish wanting to spend so much money on something like that.

She's lost a lot of weight and her boobs shrunk as part of the process...
Is she generally a secure person with high self esteem?

Since her boobs have shrunk, have you continued to make her feel sexy and wanted?

A boob job is major surgery, not to be entered into lightly - is she aware of the potential complications? This seems like a rather extreme response to a bit of lost chest size as she loses weight.


Any suggestions?

Advice for her?

I told her I wanted to pick them.... not the size, just how they will ultimately look... based on what I can find in this site.

She's feels a little guilty/selfish wanting to spend so much money on something like that.

She's lost a lot of weight and her boobs shrunk as part of the process...

I dated a woman who got them done while we were dating. She had a choice of three sizes. They would make her either C cup, large C cup or very large C cup/small D cup.
She asked me what I thought (I LOVE big boobs which she knew). But I said the middle ones. Because she was not a big gal (only 5'1") and I did not want her to look too busty for her relatively little frame - for her sake.
She ended up getting the biggest and they looked (and felt) fabulous.

My point is that I think she should pick the size. It's her body, not yours. And their is no guarantee that you two will be together forever - despite the wedding rings.
Besides, if she is unhappy with the size you pick for her - she will resent you on some level. And I would not blame her really.
Unless you are paying for them (my then girlfriend paid for them all herself), then I think it should be all her decision. Tell her what you want, but leave the choice to her. For your sake and hers.
Hope it works out.
Even if you're paying for them, it should be all her decision - it's all well and good to 'trade favors' in general, but when it comes to something that's literally a part of her body, no good can come from exerting that kind of leverage (Not to say that you would).


Closed Account
My point is that I think she should pick the size. It's her body, not yours. And their is no guarantee that you two will be together forever - despite the wedding rings.

McRocket I agree with you on this ponit.

And pathfinder74

I would have your girl to really to look in to this before she does it. I hear of some women that had it done and regret after. But if she really wants them I hope all go's well and its something she really wants.
I want to have it done also, and for the same reason, I lost a lot of weight and that is the only part of my body im not happy with, but they were quite big before I lost the weight and I didn't like them then either, I just want a nice in between size like god should have gave me in the first place lol
My only suggestion would be to really do some research when she goes looking for a dr. to do it, and see what kind of work he does. I mean I've been kind of looking at pics trying to decide what I want and I've noticed with a lot of the girls that have had it done they don't look natural, I mean when they are laying down they look like a barbie doll with 2 big lumps lol and I want mine to look and feel natural.


Even if you're paying for them, it should be all her decision - it's all well and good to 'trade favors' in general, but when it comes to something that's literally a part of her body, no good can come from exerting that kind of leverage (Not to say that you would).

I did not mean to suggest that if he pays for it, that means she should let him decide.

However, I do think that if he does pay for it that he should have some say. And if he does not like her decision as to the size choice, that he has the right to withdrawl the funds he promised.
He shouldn't pay thousands of dollars for something he hates.

But I understand that what I typed sounded the way that you interpreted it.
My mistake.
Here's my suggestion. As you're writing the check to the doctor for her new boobs, tell her, "So I guess I get a threesome now, eh? Yeah, you pretty much have to allow me one."


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Approved Content Owner
She's lost a lot of weight and her boobs shrunk as part of the process...
That's how the human body works. Im willing to bet that she doesnt even need them, but American society has done a great job implanting the idea in womens minds of what their breast should look like.

Just be sure she realizes that it wont be a one shot deal. She WILL have to get them redone at some point, even if things turn out perfectly.
The money comes out of OUR bank account. We would be paying for them.

I didn't mean so much picking the size.... as much as how they would "look". It seems like you can have the same size boobs and they can look completely different. I don't know if that's a result of the way the surgery is done, the woman's body and how it accepts the implant... a combination or something else.

Threesome... I was thinking more like a new truck or some new guns.... she is more than enough for me...

If anything I've been making her feel MORE sexy as she's been losing the weight and getting smaller boobs. I usually don't even notice, but when she brings it up and says she wants it I am not going to tell her no... because I think fake boobs look totally awesome.

She's also had breast reduction surgery... when she was younger... 18 or so... ironic, huh?

That raises some new questions, though - if she had a breast reduction surgery when she was younger, that suggests there were some health reasons (usually reductions are for medical reasons, rather than simply cosmetic). Are you sure that won't be triggered again by a new boob job? Or is the plan to go bigger, but not as big as they once were?
The plan is more to go firmer/perky... right now she doesn't like them because they sag

she had them reduced because they were big and have her back trouble
I want to have it done also, and for the same reason, I lost a lot of weight and that is the only part of my body im not happy with, but they were quite big before I lost the weight and I didn't like them then either, I just want a nice in between size like god should have gave me in the first place lol
My only suggestion would be to really do some research when she goes looking for a dr. to do it, and see what kind of work he does. I mean I've been kind of looking at pics trying to decide what I want and I've noticed with a lot of the girls that have had it done they don't look natural, I mean when they are laying down they look like a barbie doll with 2 big lumps lol and I want mine to look and feel natural.

I really don't know that much about breast enlargements other then the ones that I do see look exactly as you describe-they are often "over inflated" in my opinion and the skin is stretched tight.

You say you want them to look and feel natural but the reality is they will be anything but natural. Good luck on your quest though.


:2 cents:
If she hasn't lost her boobs, she shouldn't get a boob job. It's your job as her husband to make her feel wanted. The size of her boobs should not be an issue, unless she had one or both removed due to cancer or something like that.
She hasn't lost any of her boobs, but she want to feel beautiful and anything I do or say won't convince her until she completes what she sees as the part of her transformation that can't be done through dieting and exercise.

She's lived with some "weight issues" since childhood and so I'm more than happy to let her live out her dream.... I love her regardless of what she does. And I sure as hell am turned on by her regardless of her boob size. But I also love how implants look and I don't think I said anything about wanting them to look natural... I like when a girl with fake ones lays on her back and her boobs are still standing out without flattening out. That just looks awesome too me.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Any suggestions?

Advice for her?

I told her I wanted to pick them.... not the size, just how they will ultimately look... based on what I can find in this site.

She's feels a little guilty/selfish wanting to spend so much money on something like that.

She's lost a lot of weight and her boobs shrunk as part of the process...

As a man, you should already know the answer to this inquiry...

"You are beautiful just the way you are. I love you and wouldn't want you to change a thing."

Anything else will EVENTUALLY get you into some serious shit.