One of my faves! Laure Sinclair is killa hot, throw in Jill Kelly and her two excellent scenes and you have quality porn, IMO.
About 5 years ago, I hit a local XXX Video store in hopes of renting a "Jenna" tape. I was just starting my Jenna phase (the one you think she's the best ever, only to discover and expand your tastes later on). Anyway, I'm looking around and head to the counter with a few titles. I ask if he has ____ or whatever Jenna flick it may have been. He says..."dude, I got Wicked weapon here, only $9.99!
HOLY SHIT YA!! It was VHS and I practically ran home to discover more.
That tape was my sole "paid for" porno for years. It went to all the pals and then one day I chucked it out. I've done this with porn in the past. You get so used to the vid, so chucking it out seems logical. Then, 2 months later you're dying to watch it.
About a year ago, I hit an on-line XXX DVD store and begin my collecting phase. First title I want - Wicked Weapon - I had to have it back. Low and behold, they're selling the DVD for $9.99!!! It is home here to stay!
Again, Laure Sinclair is worth the price alone. Fecking hot!!! :eek:
As Porn is Good says, who gives a shit about the in-between scenes with "acting"?
Why they spend so much money on costumes and sets is beyond me. Handicam please!
It may be the only porn movie with a cut-scene shot of the World Trade Center towers as they once stood.