Why the World Hates America


Torn & Frayed.
Go to Europe and ask a random person on the street of he/she would want to live in America and most of them will say no. Me personally I wouldn't want to live in America if you paid me a million dollars per year.

Well, the euros that I've talked to loved being here in America. Though, it was mainly for vacation, they had a blast, very cool people. I hope one day I visit europe and have a fun time too.

Would I want to live in Europe? No, because it's too different, a totally different vibe. Not a negative thing, people like the culture they come from.

In my 21 years of life it's been GREAT, and I see why so many people envy us. I know not everyone is as privileged as me, so I can see why many people don't understand this "American Dream". The US has it's problems, but what country doesnt? Right now the economy is bad, which makes me a little concerned for the future. It really hasn't effected me yet and hopefully it never does.

America is great, and I enjoy and have fun every single day! The good life! :D


America is probably the greatest country in the world, but the people/politics are what bring it down. Badly.
Because our government no longer acts in any capacity that it was originally intended for when this great independent republic was formed. It is now a nation full of pussies dependent on their elected egomaniacs to take care of them. Because me and millions like me mind our own fucking business while earning money. And then that money is embezzled from us unconstitutionally and spent by stupid fat lazy politicians in ways that have nothing to do with a) national security b) infrastructure c) common sense, or d) the common good. Because republicans are puritan authoritarian pricks that don't want me to gamble, watch porn, or smoke weed. Because democrats are opportunistic weaklings hell bent on making me dependent on them in some way for the rest of my life.
Ahhh Petya! Wise words once again! :)

Me personally I wouldn't want to live in America if you paid me a million dollars per year.
I've seen and lived in Europe (Britain, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Denmark).

There was (and still is) a reason I still came home to America instead of staying on...

I bear no ill will to Europe and it's nations and their people. Y'all live your lives as you deem fit and we'll do the same this side of the pond.

But please, don't try to act like y'all are benign and holier than US.

America is probably the greatest country in the world, but the people/politics are what bring it down. Badly.
I don't subscribe to the notion that we are "the greatest country in the World". The Republic was conceived with the best of intentions but we've struggled with the implementation of those 'intentions' since the founding of the Republic.

A most 'unique' country? Yes.
The world's oldest Democracy? Yes.

Are the politics bringing it down? Yes and no. US government policy has been pretty constant since the "War Between the States" - it isn't anything new. Government has grown, liberty has shrunk.

BUT, the American Dream of "personal, individual liberty" shall never die.... as long as there are people like Dr. Paul and those of us who believe in the real intent of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Go to Europe and ask a random person on the street of he/she would want to live in America and most of them will say no. Me personally I wouldn't want to live in America if you paid me a million dollars per year.

Come to America and ask a random person on the street if he/she would want to live in Europe and most them will say no.

What's your point?

People hate America because it's an easy thing to do. Most people have absolutely no reason to hate America...they just do because they think that they're supposed to. It's just like people who hate the Yankees or the Cowboys. There is no reason to hate them, but they feel like they're supposed to, so they do.

Also, those same people who scream "I HATE America" are the same people who beg for our help when they need it. Can you spell hypocrite? I can...

I don’t hate America but it does appear to be a country that on one hand has a very insular political stance whilst on the other wants to be seen as policing the world & bringing democracy, well its own form of democracy, to the world. I think the days of empire & colonialism are long gone but from the outside it appears that the US is still clinging to this ideal, probably to its own detriment.


Closed Account
This is nice, but a few hundred people are not indicative of the general consensus of the attitude towards the American establishment. What shocks me is that no one said a thing about the picture. If you take a course in journalism, or rhetoric you might see why this picture goes along with the title.


In South Africa I actually did experience fear for a few days. It was around the time of the U.S. was still deciding - well Bush had already made up his mind, - to invade Iraq. Some S.Africans wanted to actually go to Baghdad to literally stand in the way, as a kind of body shield. Washington started making threats about other countries not being with them but against them etc. For a moment there a lot of us dreaded being bombed.

So, ya, it isn't very nice having the 'Merrikens come rumbling into your country with their tanks and bombs ''cos this is how we do it yo.'

Still, it is a well known fact the U.S. has 'interests' not friends. But hate, I am not so sure. Especially now with Clinton taking Rice's place, and Obama waving his white (we need your fin aid) flag. IMO.
Ok I will spell it out...

The picture came from nfl.com

nfl.com stands for the 'National Football League'

Sports? Guns? War? Explosions? Oh yeah! Throw some beer and trucks in there and we've got a party!

The picture is of a football player who went to Iraq and is standing with two assault weapons in some neanderthalic attempt to emulate all those fantasy war films he adored watching while he was a child. Like a lot of people he lives in a world of fantasy violence, a world where war is fun, and death is just a result of righteous striking down the subhuman.

To top this all off they make a play on the phrase 'Patriot Act'. If you 'constitutionalists' know what this is, which it seems you don't from your replies, you would understand why this might make someone just a little bit angry.

As for why people around the world hate America, no it's not because of all of your strip malls and drunk braindead women vomiting all over your run down streets, it's because as others have stated 'the attitude' of the majority, and the politics and interventionism of the government. When Europeans see Americans they usually laugh or are disgusted. Are they jealous of your culture? haha, far from it.
I don't hate America, but I think it's ridiculous that americans call their president the leader of the free world.

I know, isn't that weird? how can you be free if you have a leader? I think that groucho marx is the leader of the free world. why? because not only has he never tried to make anybody else follow his rules, but he's been dead for like 50 years, so he couldn't even if he wanted to. that's sounds a lot more like freedom to me.

In South Africa I actually did experience fear for a few days. It was around the time of the U.S. was still deciding - well Bush had already made up his mind, - to invade Iraq. Some S.Africans wanted to actually go to Baghdad to literally stand in the way, as a kind of body shield. Washington started making threats about other countries not being with them but against them etc. For a moment there a lot of us dreaded being bombed.

So, ya, it isn't very nice having the 'Merrikens come rumbling into your country with their tanks and bombs ''cos this is how we do it yo.'

Still, it is a well known fact the U.S. has 'interest' not friends. But hate, I am not so sure. Especially now with Clinton taking Rice's place, and Obama waving his white (we need your fin aid) flag. IMO.

Slovenian cultural theorist Slavoj Žižek:

"… when one draws attention to the millions who died as the result of capitalist globalisation, from the tragedy of Mexico in the sixteenth century through to the Belgian Congo holocaust a century ago, responsibility is largely denied. All this seems just to have happened as the result of an “objective” process, which nobody planned and executed and for which there was no “Capitalist Manifesto.”

Today we have what he calls “liberal communists”, or “counter-cultural geeks” who have taken over the big corporations. They believe in Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” of the free market, and only look at small localized and concrete problems to deal with. He points out that George Soros, well-known for his philanthropic contributions, made his fortune through ruthless financial speculation; Bill Gates, whose great humanitarian deeds came at the price of the quashing out competition and creating a “virtual monopoly”. How many people were disenfranchised because of their competitive drive? The point is that in order to give, people like them had to take.

What you've stated and realized by looking at the other side of the gun I can only hope will manifest in others. The insular arrogance and slovenly glorification of stupidity and war are among the many reasons why the world hates what America stands for today, and in reality has always stood for. Now that there is a new 'hip' white house despot people will sit silent for a year or two and continue to let innocent people be bombed, starved, humiliated, and tortured without the faintest inkling of resentment. How does the saying go, "a picture is worth a thousand words".
Washington started making threats about other countries not being with them but against them etc. For a moment there a lot of us dreaded being bombed.

Violence is perfectly ok as long as it's not against you. Bomb Iran, bomb North Korea, hell and if Russia get uppity, well shit bomb them too! We are America and we are the best, better than all the rest!

*momentary pause for chest beating*

Wait why are we the best? Is it our education system? No it couldn't be. Our healthcare system? Nah, I can't even afford that shit. Well what about our democracy? Oh damn, that's right we don't have one. Our prison system? Well, we do have the highest incarceration rate in the world, that's something...Then, ah, the fact that we can exploit people for our own financial gain and have enough left over to buy beer and hookers? Ah that's it! Man USA you are the best! Keep us free soldiers, you are the protectors of our liberty!

Yes until the economy really does crash and then that great government of yours turns on you.
oh boy, interesting thread - people are gonna get worked up about this one!
some people hate France. what's the point :dunno:

based on my travels around the world, i would say that the "world" does not hate America.


I don't subscribe to the notion that we are "the greatest country in the World". The Republic was conceived with the best of intentions but we've struggled with the implementation of those 'intentions' since the founding of the Republic.

When I said country I was talking about the land itself, not the inhabitants or anything they have created.
When I said country I was talking about the land itself, not the inhabitants or anything they have created.

well what makes it better than? if not for the (human) inhabitants, than any species that is adapted to fit into it's ecosystem and environment will tell you that their land is the best, because it is certainly the best for them


Because it is so varied. The mountains, the beaches, the lakes, the wildlife (yeah, i did mean human inhabitants), the deserts, the forests, I could go on and on, but I don't think I need too. It's just such a beautiful country.

I didn't really expect this to turn into such a big debate. Fuck it. Pretend I didn't say anything. It's a shit hole really I'm just lying.

*Makes daring escape out of thread*
Because it is so varied. The mountains, the beaches, the lakes, the wildlife (yeah, i did mean human inhabitants), the deserts, the forests, I could go on and on, but I don't think I need too. It's just such a beautiful country.

Architecturally, and structurally speaking the U.S. is an abomination. All those beautiful rivers are being filled with pollutants, the air quality some of the worst in the world, and the rest, well it's strip malls, urban decay and gated McMansion communities which only the wealthiest of the wealthy can apply. As George Carlin put it in one of his stand up acts, "It was nice when we got here, pristine".