Why people are so mean?

elly-g said:
I am glad to hear your kind advises and opinions,it makes me happy.
I usually stay over the internet quite a significant time , few good hours,every day. Most of time i meet this kind of people(over the internet), and what i've learned so far is to ignore them, ignorance makes them feel little and they soon stop screaming, or beeing assholes.
The most of them start with big injuries, hard words that can shake the deaths from the graves,lol honestly.
Before i was very sensible and i was sometimes taking serious what they were saying, but in time i realised that it is like a movie goes on tv, a horror, u get scared,and have reactions ,but soon as it ends, u say Thanks God is just a movie.:) So is the internet in a way of speaking.:)

you just gotta learn to take it in stride, and not take everything people say so literally. if you let these people know what they are saying is bothering you, they are just gonna keep on and keep on. plus you could always just return the insults and such right back if you are that gutsy enough.


Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
I have learned to protect myself from this little pricks.:) I also learned to select friends and to realise who are nice people and have no intention in hurting your feelings andthe rude and mean people who all they have in mind is to hurt you, use you and put you down.
In life we always learn from mistakes.I personally did.
Kisses and have a great weekend.
Elly Jaine.
The anonymity of the internet lets lots of little people feel big. You can always tell those kind - they tend to be the "loudest" and most absolutely certain that they are infallible. They're also the ones who tend to flame because they can't flame a real man or woman in person...

Take comfort in the fact that 1) they live at home or 2) more than likely have little lives of no real meaning or contribution.

Harsh, I think, but true.

now this is what i was going to say. well said bnf.:)
I made a t-shirt years ago that read PEOPLE=SHIT.
I've not lost faith in people but sometimes I wonder if everyone is simply fucked.
People aren't mean, they are opinionated and often quite judgemental. But many times, you might think you're a victim when someone else is merely returning your opinions and judgement back at you in a different form. One should always step back and recognize whether you might have been harsh in the first place -- even if it wasn't your intention.

It's not about what people say or mean but how someone else takes it. ;)

That has been my biggest problem on this board. I don't give my strong opinions first, but only after others do. Since people of the popular two sides disagree with my "way too Libertarian" viewpoints (or, worse yet, think they are wishy-washy and won't pick a side). My values are just too founded in atypical thought for most -- and when someone labels someone with my views as "wrong" without a consideration why I might have them -- even if not trying to "mean" on purpose -- the results are still the same.

BTW, I thought my classic "Why I think drinking should be outlawed (tongue-in-cheek)" post basically says people should think before being opinionated and judgemental:
At least you don't play video games,
Yeah tell me about it. It was really bad on xbox live when I played. Sad thing is all those shit talkers wouldn't do shit in real life so they talk over their microphone.
To paraphrase Henry Rollins, if someone comes up and actually hands you a plate of garbage, you do not have to take it. You would think the person is nuts, wonder what that person's problem is and walk away. The same thing can be said for mean and rude people verbally and cyberally dishing out their own plates of garbage. Why dedicate so much energy to someone who is obviously not worthy of your time?

Inevitably though, words do hurt. We have our own ways of looking at the world and ourselves, which Piaget labelled as our "schema." (At least I think it was Piaget and I hope I remember the correct meaning of his theory from the Psych class I took years ago.) When someone or something conflicts with our schema, it creates a crisis of sorts within ourselves. It causes us to to question how we look at the world and ourselves. I will admit it does take sometime to get to the point where the jerks and idiots of the world and their words have little affect.

Case in point, I was in Washington DC this past week for an orientation. I was walking around Dupont Circle one evening wearing my extremely faded blue jeans and a t-shirt. I had some idiots bagging on my clothes from a car. They were loud and laughing to where everyone could hear them. I could have let them get to me, but I refused. Hell, I could have walked over to their car, pulled them out through the window and pummelled them. While the thought did cross my mind and I knew I could have done it, I did not. Instead, I felt sorry for them as they were passing judgement on me based solely upon my clothing. How much more pathetic and immaturish can a person get? I know I am a decent person whose most obvious vices are porn and beer. If someone does not want to know me as a person and wants to pass judgement on me based upon some superficial reason, that is their problem not mine.
A bully is a bully is a bully, Internet or not. The same dance since time began.
I have zero tolerance for liers, bullys and backstabers, they are all assholes. Our society breeds these creeps, bullying happens in schools ( both students and teachers ) and it happens in boardrooms, it happens in sports and it happens politics. Women are guilty of it as well as men. In my day to day actions I make a point of standing up for people who have been beaten down. PEOPLE=SHIT,, it does seem like that sometimes,, but once and a while you meet someone who restores your faith in mankind.