Why Obama and his minions are in a heap of trouble


Hiliary 2020
The way the Democrats planned on things turning out:

Hillary Clinton wins the presidency 400 electoral votes to Trump’s 138.
Fusion GPS, The Russian honey pot all have done their jobs in trying to set up the Trump campaign in a collusion sting. The phony dossier is in place but no longer needed. No need to worry about what was presented to the FISA courts to obtain surveillance warrants, Madam President is gonna take care of it * wink* .

No worries, if that orange Oompa Loompa gets uppity again and starts riling people up again with crazy talk of walls and running for President again, we will drop the nasty details of how he likes to have dirty hookers pee on him and that will be the end of that.

But hold up!

The American people had different plans. Pantsuit granny suffers a crushing defeat. A couple of days later and after the dust settles and the cleaners are able to clean the stench of puke out of Hillary’s purple and black pantsuit, ( the purple was to signify red and blue states coming together).

It is soon after this that the Obama administration realized holy fuck! Trump is gonna access to the same intelligence that we have.
Lucy, we got a lot of ‘ splainin’ to do. Get Hillary on the phone, Hillary we need that dossier, we gotta have a reason to explain why we went to FISA and we need a crime. “ oh I have an idea! Collusion! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

Fast forward to 10 days after the election. NSA director Admiral Mike Rogers meets with president elect Trump and doesn’t inform Obama, Obama is pissed and wants to fire Rogers but is advised against it. ( You know how Trump thought about firing Mueller but didn’t) :)

The very next fucking day Trump moves his transition office out of Trump Tower to his New Jersey golf club ( something minster). Clearly, Rogers has informed Trump that his wires are tapped ( mah wires were tapped!!)

Enter James Comey, as director of the FBI he doesn’t have to answer to many people but he does have to answer to the executive branch and to Congress. Comey has been spying on the Trump campaign in a counter intelligence investigation for 8 months and never reports it to congress because of the “sensitive nature” of the investigation.
That is why congress has an oversight committee because the FBI are held accountable to them.

Nothing! Even though Comey met with Trump at Trump Tower about the phony dossier, it was simply a reason Comey was trying to use for the surveillance should it come up, all the while pretending to be an impartial civil servant.

There ARE legal ways to spy on Americans and there are illegal methods without probable cause.

The soon to be released memo will describe the illegal methods used to surveill the Trump campaign.
It’s time for Obama, Rice, Comey, Lynch et al to lawyer up.

I ain’t hardly bullshittin’.

That was a very good post.

2 things. The purple Grandpa Munster outfit wasn't to signify red and blue coming together.
The Purple is a code but that ain't it.

And Lawyer up?
Never gonna happen.

again nice post.
Susan ( Bowe Bergdahl served with honor and distinction, Benghazi attacks were the result of a Youtube video) Rice wrote a memo to herself on Inauguration Day proclaiming Obama ordered the Russia investigation be done “ by the book”.
:rofl: :rofl:

That’s the problem with liberal Democrats, their followers are stupid so they expect everyone to be.

This is as transparent as a ziplock bag.

Fucking lying sacks of shit and every board lib here will defend them even if what they did is illegal.

did she mention it was "by the book?" Just so we're clear - then President Obama said "by the book."

because something like that doesn't go without saying, especially towards the Director of the FBI.

The Democrats' followers being stupid is how they even remain a viable party.

Watch Tucker Carlson sometime if you want to see this clearly illustrated.
Whenever you have to implore someone to go “by the book” it means it is a new concept or not standard procedure.
You’re pathetic.
All Democrats have are lies and denials.

No worries, spin won’t work on the soon to be named special counsel.
Tucker Carlson opened his Tuesday Fox News Channel program by offering his theory on why former National Security Advisor Susan Rice sent herself an email with the White House system to herself regarding the incoming Trump administration and had some elements possibly compromised by Russia.

According to Carlson, fomer President Barack Obama’s perception of his successor, which was a “traitor” and a “Russian spy.”

Partial transcript as follows:

Tonight, we have more on the ongoing saga of the Trump dossier.

Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham have launched a probe into former National Security Advisor Susan Rice. In the very final minutes of the Obama administration, just afternoon on inauguration day 2017, Rice sent herself an email on the White House computer system.

In it, she described a meeting she had attended just two weeks before on January 5. At that meeting were President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, FBI Director Jim Comey, Deputy AG Sally Yates and Susan Rice herself.

According to Rice in this email, Obama instructed the officials in the room to consider withholding national intelligence from the incoming Trump administration in case they were compromised by Russia.

In other words, almost two months after the presidential election, Barack Obama viewed Trump not as his democratically elected successor, but as a traitor and a Russian spy.

Obama viewed himself as someone who somehow had the right to withhold government documents from an elected president. That’s not the behavior of someone who believes in democracy.

And yet, that meeting set the tone for that year and all subsequent arguments since. Democrats have treated Trump and his election as illegitimate ever since then. And at the heart of their case against Trump and this administration is the Steele dossier.

To this day, the dossier is the only publicly available document that details alleged collusion with Russia. Now, of course, we have talked a lot about the dossier on this program. But relatively little about what is in it.

What does the dossier actually claim? Is any of it true? After more than a year of probing by politicians and intelligence agencies and journalists, here’s the sum total of what we actually know about the document that started all of this.

We know the dossier was compiled by Christopher Steele, acting as a contractor of Fusion GPS with funds supplied by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC.

The dossier was a form of opposition research designed to be used against Trump in the presidential campaign. It was not an intelligence document. It was oppo.

The dossier claims that Russian authorities didn’t simply collude with Trump during a 2016 election, the charge you hear a lot about, it also claims that Russian intelligence cultivated Donald Trump as a kind of asset, a kind of one-man sleeper cell for more than five years. Needless to say, there’s no evidence of that.

The dossier also claims the Kremlin fed the Trump team intel reports on Hillary Clinton and other political opponents for years. There’s no proof of that either.

It claims Trump was favored by Moscow with lucrative Russian real estate deals as part of his cultivation as a political asset. That’s sleeper cell. No proof there either.

According to the dossier, Trump and Russia were exchanging intelligence with each other for at least eight years. No proof of that.

The dossier goes on to describe a clandestine meeting in Prague between Trump lawyer Michael Cohen and representatives supposedly that took place in August of 2016. This is one of the very few claims in the dossier that has been conclusively checked and it’s false. Cohen wasn’t even outside the US at the time the meeting supposedly took place.

In sum, the Steele dossier is absurd. The closer you read it, the more absurd it is. Take 10 minutes to do so yourself. It’s online. And as you read it, ask yourself who would believe something like this? It’s so transparently partisan and unlikely and stupid and flimsy, it reads like a parody of a badly written spy novel.

At the same time, he was firing people on “The Apprentice”, Donald Trump was working with Vladimir Putin to subvert America? It’s hard even to say that with a straight face. It’s that stupid.

And yet, keep in mind and never forget, this is the document the FBI used to justify spying on American citizens. These are the claims that Democrats in Congress repeatedly cited as the reason to stop the normal functioning of government in order to investigate the administration.

This is the famous dossier that even today progressives in the media are spending millions in an attempt to corroborate. And it’s all a stupid joke. Amazingly, a lot of people in power fell for it.

Talk about a clown show.

Mueller, pack your bags. Time for a real special counsel with real crimes to be investigated.