Why not post a wicked looking creature, fictional or otherwise


Just imagine, you're somewhat of a noob to scuba diving, you're swimming along some 30' under the sea, you turn around and this this thing's on your ass !
(click pic for full resolution) "Who The HELL are YOU ?" :mad:

:eek::eek: It almost looks like an angry man's face, huh ?

A resuscitation and a change of boxer briefs would be in order for me ! :helpme:

If you have a wicked looking creature, post a wicked looking creature.


^ That first one looks like an acid burn I sustained one time when I was working with caustics. The damned gloves had been pierced and the solution made contact with my fingers. :mad: 'didn't feel a damned thing 'till it was too late. :o FWIW

Good ones ! BB ! Thanks for your participation. :bowdown:

A Spider Face. :eek:
A Wolf Spider to be exact.
I often find this variant in my kitchen late at night or early AM but I had no idea that they have little monkey faces lol ! These arachnids can get relatively large -
Full spread, as big as the circumference of the top of a 12 oz.
Soda Pop can !
Two monsters in one go...
The mythical beast known only as Namtaf seen here during it's time in captivity after being captured in a downtown Hong Kong whore house being pleasured by 7 chinese whores. Where doctor Eric Rogers performed experiments on it that would make Josef Mengele blush and turn away in disgust. But on that faithful day on the 1st of September 2005 we can look back in joy and disgust as Namtaf tore that head of Dr Rogers and escaped into the woods. His pain was over, but not the pain of Mrs Rogers who had little Timmy and Jane to look after. It made Dr Rogers death extra difficult for her after little Timmy went insane and killed all the neighbours pets who all as you can imagine wanted repercussions for their losses, which of course Mrs Rogers couldn't pay as her husband the only provider was dead. So she killed herself leaving little Timmy and Jane all alone..........

Namtaf & Dr Rogers

As you can see it's girth would probably be a hinderance to it and it probably would have had to drag itself into the woods which would have take several hours. The lord only knows what the stench would have been like.

But on that day Namtaf, was never seen again. Some say he dies out there, the food supply is just to sparce to satisfy his need. But others have speculated he somehow dragged himself to water and is now living amongst the local hippopotamuses.

We'll never know because Namtaf is a master of disguise.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISWOrI0WaLs :bawling: