Why men today don't read...

This comment summed that article up pretty nicely.

Aside from a few literary superstars..." - That's all any generation is entitled to. You want one in every saloon fercripesakes? Have you looked globally instead of just in local prison cells? You seem to imply that manly literature consists primarily of sexual conquest, physical altercation & booze - the well educated outgrew that concept 40 years ago. Men aren't lazy, nor are they stupid, with the possible exception of - well, i'll just look at the offending column title & whistle.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Then I must be an anomaly.


I love big booty too!
That's nothing new, when I was a kid (long time ago) we all wanted to be a footballplayer. I never heard a kid say he wanted to be writer and if so we would probably have tossed him into a canal. Even reading a real book made a boy look suspicious ('is he gay?')
Could someone sum everything up for me? Fuck it I wont read it anyway.
Times are different than than they were back then. We have smart phones, video games, movie theatre, laptops, tablets, netflix, etc taking up our time. What did they have back in the day? Books and a hoolahoop thing that you pushed with a stick. It has nothing to do with the manliness of the writers.
Could someone sum everything up for me? Fuck it I wont read it anyway.
Basically men don't read because there are no macho writers, you know guys who have foughted in a war or drink loads & loads of grown up drinks that make them having the headache or done lots of sexy with women or done a killing of animal or summit with a shootie stick! The writing men have got to be machos so the man reading don't get thought of as a gay for da reading, damn you books of gayness! DAmn yOU.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i used to be really into books. then for a long time i stopped reading.

looking back, it was because everything was really fucking boring. things were coming out that were just clones of other things. big name authors were spitting out crap as fast as they could. i ran through the classics i was interested in then was left with nothing. honestly, i gave up on it. it seemed so soulless after awhile.

thank god for the HUGE surprise which was harry potter. i had no idea wtf harry potter was but i gave it a go. it was an absolutely amazing experience.

since then, ive dived into reading again. lots of fantasy stuff. all older. some good, some ok. just picked up the lord of the rings books. i didnt care much for the films but maybe the books are better which is usually the case. ive also been reading some of the michael crichton books i never gave a go (congo, state of fear (really fucking good!), the andromeda strain.

i always liked him, despite his popularity.

Will E Worm

When writers were real men: Maybe guys aren't reading because manliness is absent from literature

Where have all the booze-swilling Dylan Thomases gone? Without the kinds of drinkers (Faulkner), brawlers (Hemingway) and lotharios (Bellow) who used to write our greatest works of literature, it's no wonder that masculinity has gone elsewhere (say, Kid Rock) for self-validation.

Excuse me...:facepalm:

The real reason people do not read much is because of illiteracy,
functional illiteracy, vocabulary, comprehension, and so on.

In a study of 20 'high income' countries, the US ranked 12th on literacy tests. Illiteracy has become such a serious problem in our country that 44 million adults are now unable to read a simple story to their child. A few other shocking facts:

50 percent of adults cannot read a book written at an eighth grade level.
20 percent of Americans are functionally illiterate and read below a 5th grade level.
Nearly half of all Americans read so poorly that they cannot find a single piece of information when reading a short publication.


The world is going to turn into, Idiocracy if things don't change.

Narrator: But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valley girl, inner city slang, and various grunts.

Erik Larson

Matthew Pearl

Simon Worrall: The Poet and the Murderer: A True Story of Literary Crime and the Art of Forgery

Robert Harris
All I did was read literature for the last four years in college. I do admit though now just the newspaper everyday doesn't suffice. I want to get every history book I can get my hands on and speed read all of them.
I can't read... or write... or do anything but masterbate with one hand while typing this with the other. I'm not totally useless. I have skills.
I'm one of the lucky people that grew up around a lot of people that read.

Still, I must admit there is a lot of junk out there and it's not always easy sorting through all of it to fine the good ones. (Not to mention it's not always an efficient use of time or cheap either. The internet has made that somewhat better though.)


knows petras secret: she farted.
I'm one of the lucky people that grew up around a lot of people that read.

Still, I must admit there is a lot of junk out there and it's not always easy sorting through all of it to fine the good ones. (Not to mention it's not always an efficient use of time or cheap either. The internet has made that somewhat better though.)

exactly. there's so much crap out there. everyone thinks they're a writer or something. its hard to weed through em all to find a gem.