Why isn't Clinton or Obama speaking out about these riots?


Hiliary 2020
:rofl: :rofl:

And then we transition out of that visit to fantasyland into the tired old, beat-to-death, brain dead "Robert Byrd shows how hypocritical liberals are" song and dance :facepalm:

Here's a newsflash:

ROBERT BYRD left the KKK in the 1950s

More than 50 years before his death.

He became an outstanding example of a young, ignorant product of his bigoted upbringing who evolved over time into a outspoken critic of the mindset that fostered that ignorance and bigotry, along with the organizations that promoted and continue to promote it.

He frequently apologized for the foolish stupidity of his earlier years while working for causes that were the polar opposite of the Klan's.


Or are you fine upstanding conservatives going to forever desperately cling this one man in an attempt to deflect from the fact that the kind of bigotry that died long ago in him is alive, well and at home within your own constituency?

yeah take just 2 lines from my post. Cheap.
You mean bigotry like Michael Oboma going on BET and other places and telling Blacks that they must vote Democrat regardless of what the candidate has said or done? You know, like they own them. Kind of like SLAVES.
If someone uses Duke as a means to accuse others of racism then the same rule apllies to Byrd no matter how you want to twist it.
Democrat Robert Byrd, Hillary Praises 'Friend and Mentor' Robert Byrd.

So, apparently that is not the case.

Since Byrd endorsed Obama over Clinton, it can be said that racism is no longer part of his political ideas


Hiliary 2020
Or maybe he thought that would help his political career.
Or maybe he knew what a corrupt criminal HC was.
Or maybe the ones who fund his campaign told him to.
Such endless possibilities when you take the time to think about it.
yeah take just 2 lines from my post. Cheap.

How is that "cheap"? Doing so didn't alter or misrepresent your point of view. It didn't put words in your mouth. It just focused on the part I reacted to.

Or maybe he thought that would help his political career.
Or maybe he knew what a corrupt criminal HC was.
Or maybe the ones who fund his campaign told him to.
Such endless possibilities when you take the time to think about it.

Or maybe it's for exactly the reason I outlined in my post above.
Naw, that's way too logical :)