Why is Obama such a bore? One historian blames Reagan./ WSJ Article.

America Tunes Out
Why is Obama such a bore? One historian blames Reagan.

^^agree/ disagree? -- nevertheless, it's an interesting read i thought . Covers a gamut of topics re Obama and his spoken words.


Michael Goodwin of the New York Post "listened intently" to President Obama's Monday press conference, but only "for 15 minutes or so." That's 15 minutes or so longer than the duration of our own intentness, but we did listen falteringly to the whole thing. By contrast, as the president "droned on," Goodwin reveals that he "did something I never did before during an Obama appearance: I turned off the TV."

"Enough," writes Goodwin. "He is the Man Who Won't Listen to Anybody, so why should anybody listen to him? . . . I will leave that unhappy duty to others. I am tired of Barack Obama. There's nothing new there. His speeches are like 'Groundhog Day.' "

Goodwin is dead wrong about that last point, and he owes Bill Murray an apology. "Groundhog Day" was a terrific movie. Apart from that quibble, though, we feel Goodwin's pain, and we suspect most Americans do. The World's Greatest Orator is almost always uninspiring, condescending, self-aggrandizing, peevish and grim.
Big surprise - The New York Post & Wall Street Journal are both owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Conservatives these days seem to have very short attention spans anyway. So many exist on sound bites, viral emails and youtube clips.

Frankly I think Obama's the most candid president we've had in my lifetime.

I have noticed that many who suffer from intellectual envy label him as "condescending".

Labeling him as uninspiring and/or grim means you really haven't been paying attention, as he's certainly capable of inspiring, and he's only grim when it's appropriate.

Self-aggrandizing? Please. Bush's "Mission Accomplished" extravaganza was about as self-aggrandizing as it gets....to which Obama's understated handling of Bin Laden's death stands in stark contrast.

Peevish? Maybe at moments, but who wouldn't be when every day means grappling with an opposition party that cares more about politicking than they do about their country.

The only criticism I can agree with is that he's been somewhat overexposed.
Obama scorecard

Ideas - B

Leadership - D

Re: Reagan, he was an actor and none one to miss the opportunity to deliver the punch line and had a team of writers as political as any in history.

Obama is trapped between good guy, bad guy on tough issues...as such he's always talking in conciliatory, compromising terms = uninteresting at times.

Obama is best when he's addressing things everyone agrees with.:2 cents:

To the article/opinion... I smell a strong hint of the prospect that Reagan's 2.5 year numbers are starting to bubble to the surface in some press circles...I've heard hints around the edges last week...We'll see how it plays out..:elaugh: But I see this as a typical pre-emptive strike in the Obama/Reagan comparisons due to emerge as GOPers continue to try and hammer at Obama.

:1orglaugh...Someone should have warned some of these GOPers the can of worms they were meddling with in citing Obama's econ numbers...:o
There's a reason that Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator"; he had a talent for connecting with Americans both Republican and Democrat. And his optimistic outlook and sense of humor helped Americans feel good about their country again after the cynicism and pessimism of the 1970s.

Obama has displayed none of these qualities. His speeches have ranged from bland and uninspiring, to downright narcissistic at times.
There's a reason that Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator"; he had a talent for connecting with Americans both Republican and Democrat. And his optimistic outlook and sense of humor helped Americans feel good about their country again after the cynicism and pessimism of the 1970s.

Obama has displayed none of these qualities. His speeches have ranged from bland and uninspiring, to downright narcissistic at times.

Obama is not fit to shine Ronald Reagan's shoes.
There's a reason that Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator"; he had a talent for connecting with Americans both Republican and Democrat. And his optimistic outlook and sense of humor helped Americans feel good about their country again after the cynicism and pessimism of the 1970s.

Meanwhile behind all the "feel good" bullshit he was busy turning us from the world's biggest creditor nation to the world's biggest debtor nation in a few short years.

Yeah way to go Ronnie, you're a real hero :rolleyes: :facepalm:

And let's not forget he praised the mujahideen as freedom fighters the likes of our founding fathers.

Four more years back in Chicago with his other thugs.

An excellent example of sound bite conservatism.
There's a reason that Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator"; he had a talent for connecting with Americans both Republican and Democrat. And his optimistic outlook and sense of humor helped Americans feel good about their country again after the cynicism and pessimism of the 1970s.

Ah yes Reagan's optimistic outlook which included Iran Contra and arming the mujahideen, elements of which later turned around and attacked the US years later.

And also it's believed that Regan may have been suffering from the early stages of alzheimers in his 2nd term.
There's a reason that Ronald Reagan was nicknamed "The Great Communicator"; he had a talent for connecting with Americans both Republican and Democrat. And his optimistic outlook and sense of humor helped Americans feel good about their country again after the cynicism and pessimism of the 1970s.
This is true. It may have been a true reflection of Reagan the man or it could have been just a facade acted out derived from years of Hollywood honing.:dunno: Having dated a girl who acted once...I'd be the first to say I personally couldn't tell who she actually was as a person. That's the same way I perceived Reagan. He could have been just an actor with the perfect script. In this case these people can make you believe almost anything. Either way it was quite effective and believable ...and bottom line, that's what counts.

It is pretty ironic though the GOPers and conservatives love to bash Hollywood relentlessly but the messiah they worship at the alter of was about as Hollywood as it gets.:1orglaugh
Obama has displayed none of these qualities. His speeches have ranged from bland and uninspiring, to downright narcissistic at times.

Obama is simply not a comedian nor does he have a particularly good sense of humor IMO. It's pretty clear the most effective way to convey a message and captivate a listening audience is to be able to tap their emotions. Humor is one way. If you're able to make light of serious situations and regale your audience..they will love listening to you whether you articulate any logic, reason or truth. Obama simply does not have the humor arrow in his quiver IMO.

However, separating serious situations from somber situations...Obama is able to connect with objective people on sober, somber issues in a way that few I've seen have been able to.

Obama doesn't take credit well...not that it's an easy thing to do in any event. He doesn't tend to express his principles in sharp terms on issues of debate and he is starkly non confrontational (at least from what we've seen) when it comes to public negotiation. I believe he believes that serves a purpose in de-escalating rhetoric but whatever...in the end it tends to bore people hungry for red meat.:2 cents:
WSJ and New York Post are Murdoch entities. They will be negative toward all Dems no matter what.

Obama can either decide that the Wackoes are either too stupid or too greedy (or both) to negotiate with over the debt ceiling issue and he can just say, "Alright, I was ready to compromise -- the Wackoes weren't--let's all sit back and watch the nation implode because of the Wackoes" and that will ensure his coasting to re-election in 2012 OR he can cave to the Wackoes, give them more of what they want and less of what Americans actually want and basically ensure everyone gets re-elected in 2012 because if the Wackoes get their way, so many people will become too poor and disenfranchised to vote and the only people who will show up to vote will be the top 25% richest Americans.

I say Obama needs to quit negotiation with the Wackoes -- give them what they want which is for America to turn into Greece, and the Republican label will become so damaged and hated that it will truly be the end of that party.
"This is truly amazing. A portable television studio. No wonder your President has to be an actor. He's gotta look good on television."

As true today as it was in 1985... or... 1955... or... whatever.
WSJ and New York Post are Murdoch entities. They will be negative toward all Dems no matter what.

Obama can either decide that the Wackoes are either too stupid or too greedy (or both) to negotiate with over the debt ceiling issue and he can just say, "Alright, I was ready to compromise -- the Wackoes weren't--let's all sit back and watch the nation implode because of the Wackoes" and that will ensure his coasting to re-election in 2012 OR he can cave to the Wackoes, give them more of what they want and less of what Americans actually want and basically ensure everyone gets re-elected in 2012 because if the Wackoes get their way, so many people will become too poor and disenfranchised to vote and the only people who will show up to vote will be the top 25% richest Americans.

I say Obama needs to quit negotiation with the Wackoes -- give them what they want which is for America to turn into Greece, and the Republican label will become so damaged and hated that it will truly be the end of that party.

:nono: Negotiating with budget terrorist.
If there is no real deal on the budget -- then the headline for that photo is "3 people who will be out of a job in November 2012" (err, assuming they are up for re-election, not sure about Bitch McConnell's election status)
If there is no real deal on the budget -- then the headline for that photo is "3 people who will be out of a job in November 2012" (err, assuming they are up for re-election, not sure about Bitch McConnell's election status)

Still trying to figure where from does Can't-Or wield so much authority...:ban: