Why is Obama so liked still?


He's been fucking worthless with this oil spill. It's been what 65 days now? What the fuck is he even doing? It's not his fault, but seriously man grow some balls and fuck over a company that fucked over us.


Whether or not people like Obama, it doesn't matter one bit. Remember Bush's horrible approval ratings? What happened to him? Nothing. This government decides whether the president is still useful or not. Not the public.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Because if you don't like him you are a racist.


Postal Paranoiac

It's awfully hard to fight those.


They have to pay 20 billion dollars to the victims. How has he done nothing?

Bush would shaken their hands and said "Don't worry about it, its just a little spill."
He's been fucking worthless with this oil spill. It's been what 65 days now? What the fuck is he even doing? It's not his fault, but seriously man grow some balls and fuck over a company that fucked over us.

I never understood with the concept of someone liking a politician. You don't know them...how can you "like" them. But even when people do it causes them to put their personal like for them ahead of whether they agree with their policies or not.

I voted for Obama because I believed he was the best man for the job and I tended to agree with the principles of his campaign. That hasn't changed one bit in the year and a half since he was inaugurated.

That said, it would have been beyond stupid for him to bump the people responsible and those with theoretically the greatest ability to plug this out of the way.

It's obviously a daunting task apparently and sometimes when bad things happen you're simply left with the best of bad options. Can you imagine the disaster to the effort and likely PR wise had the g'ment swallowed this job up and it was still 65 days later with no stoppage.

Theoretically it's in BP's interests to stop this as soon as possible. Theoretically they are doing as much as can be done since it's their money flowing out of that breach.


what the fuck you lookin at?
He's black thats why he's so popular. Lots of people still think he's gonna change shit. I think he's shown time and time again that he is to incompetent to be president. No big deal. I suspect he'll be voted out in a couple years.