And holding on shooting IR scenes is bad since its based solely on race, so your argument lower pay argument is invalid.
If someone holds off for the bigger paycheck it's based solely on
money. You said it yourself... "female performers are getting paid for doing porn". If someone holds out because they don't want to subject themselves to racially charged scenes then it's not based on
race it's based on
racism... you know, that thing you're
supposed to be against yet are apparently supporting here.
If you hate racism so much why
aren't you off trying to get rid of racially charged pornography to make the work environment nicer, less racist, and perhaps more attractive for female performers? Why not go
that route instead of insisting that women take part in the current shit or "face the consequences"? Why not combat the
definite racism instead of tilting at dragons that might very well be windmills? The answer here
seems pretty obvious and it
doesn't paint you in a very flattering light.
Every public figure gets thrashed in this country.
So it's okay to be level claims of racism against people who aren't racist in order to goad them into doing things they don't want to? You are a total piece of shit, and a sorry excuse for a human being.
Oh, also, if celebrities are allowed to face offensive bullshit and should suck it up... then I guess black male talent in porn should... oh wait, no... I forgot, they shouldn't have to face women not wanting to fuck them on camera for any reason at all because you're a hypocritical asshole. That's right. Sorry. I keep forgetting that. :dunno:
Oh, and about your little post where you admit that female performers are in it to get paid...
Female performers are getting paid for doing porn, and their holding out of shooting IR because of money is flat out...
... expected.
That's how you should have ended that sentence, with "expected". I'm not sure you entirely understand the concept of "business" and "career". You just flat out said, "Hey, they're doing this for money so you know that doing it for money is WRONG!" That's... dumb.
And from that same post...
You people are calling me a racist. When Ace has a racist upload in this thread!
1) I personally believe that Ace only posted that to get your goat. Second, I'm not entirely sure it's racist. I mean,
your quote on it seems a little racist, but all I see is a naked black guy with two torches and a computer tied to his junk. I'm not sure how that's racist. Is there some stereotype I don't know of that this is playing to where black men are prone to tying computers to their dicks and holding fire aloft...? If there is than, hey, maybe you've got a point there... :dunno: Really though, it just seems like you want to project the title of "racist" onto every single white person, even ones you fully admit aren't motivated by racism.
2) Let's say Ace
is racist, that doesn't make you any less racist.