Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu
i wonder the same thing about you...i can't remember seeing you start a thread on here that isn't centered around people's race, it doesn't fucking matter what ethnicity you are, people are people good or bad. i see people's ethnicity as a descriptive feature just the same as hair or eye color but that's it. a woman is a woman end of story. judging someone by their genetic makeup and making vast generalizations based off of such is fucking narrow minded, ignorant and juvenile. if you prefer women of a certain skin tone, hair color etc that's cool, good for you man but no one gives a shit and that's not a reason to talk shit about or insult women who you don't know who don't fall into your preferred appearance categories. hardly anyone that i know of around here is actually hostile towards people getting with chicks outside their race, if they are then they keep it to themselves like they should or at least as far as i've seen. the only time they get on anyone's case about it is when they make a big deal out of it like you often do. it's no big deal either way if an asian, indian, latino, martian or fucking reptilian get with white chicks, or mexican chicks or whatever. it really isn't, but as soon as they start making threads asking racial question about it people get offensive because no open minded, forward thinking individual wants to see it over and over. once again people are people, playing the victim of imagined racism is just as racist and close-minded as being the perpetrator of racism.
how fuckin old are you and just what the fuck are you doing in your life that makes you matter?
i wonder the same thing about you...i can't remember seeing you start a thread on here that isn't centered around people's race, it doesn't fucking matter what ethnicity you are, people are people good or bad. i see people's ethnicity as a descriptive feature just the same as hair or eye color but that's it. a woman is a woman end of story. judging someone by their genetic makeup and making vast generalizations based off of such is fucking narrow minded, ignorant and juvenile. if you prefer women of a certain skin tone, hair color etc that's cool, good for you man but no one gives a shit and that's not a reason to talk shit about or insult women who you don't know who don't fall into your preferred appearance categories. hardly anyone that i know of around here is actually hostile towards people getting with chicks outside their race, if they are then they keep it to themselves like they should or at least as far as i've seen. the only time they get on anyone's case about it is when they make a big deal out of it like you often do. it's no big deal either way if an asian, indian, latino, martian or fucking reptilian get with white chicks, or mexican chicks or whatever. it really isn't, but as soon as they start making threads asking racial question about it people get offensive because no open minded, forward thinking individual wants to see it over and over. once again people are people, playing the victim of imagined racism is just as racist and close-minded as being the perpetrator of racism.