Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yup)

Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

how fuckin old are you and just what the fuck are you doing in your life that makes you matter?

i wonder the same thing about you...i can't remember seeing you start a thread on here that isn't centered around people's race, it doesn't fucking matter what ethnicity you are, people are people good or bad. i see people's ethnicity as a descriptive feature just the same as hair or eye color but that's it. a woman is a woman end of story. judging someone by their genetic makeup and making vast generalizations based off of such is fucking narrow minded, ignorant and juvenile. if you prefer women of a certain skin tone, hair color etc that's cool, good for you man but no one gives a shit and that's not a reason to talk shit about or insult women who you don't know who don't fall into your preferred appearance categories. hardly anyone that i know of around here is actually hostile towards people getting with chicks outside their race, if they are then they keep it to themselves like they should or at least as far as i've seen. the only time they get on anyone's case about it is when they make a big deal out of it like you often do. it's no big deal either way if an asian, indian, latino, martian or fucking reptilian get with white chicks, or mexican chicks or whatever. it really isn't, but as soon as they start making threads asking racial question about it people get offensive because no open minded, forward thinking individual wants to see it over and over. once again people are people, playing the victim of imagined racism is just as racist and close-minded as being the perpetrator of racism.
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Here's what I don't understand: Why the fuck do you keep coming back here?


Closed Account
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

You attract hostility because you're a terrible person who uses his race as a crutch and assumes any other race that shoots your ass down is racist for it.

We get it. You like the girls you like! Go get that multicultural pussy and quit acting like a victim of racism when you're the one projecting it on everybody else.
I love the bold part of your post and hope everyone else on the forum ends up thinking this way

but it is just my point that whenever I seek suggestions asking if women a certain country like say sweden are open to dating brown guys I quickly get told to stick with my own kind while a black guy gets told to get what he can
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

the troll food everyone seems to have stock in.

Yeah, but most trolls are just mindless attention whores. I think this guy actually believes he's right, and that we're all a bunch of racist perverts (don't get me wrong, he's obviously a mindless attention whore). If he disagrees with everyone here so strongly, why wouldn't he just go find a forum full of people that agree with him, instead if trying to show us the error of our supposed ways?
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Yeah, but most trolls are just mindless attention whores. I think this guy actually believes he's right, and that we're all a bunch of racist perverts (don't get me wrong, he's obviously a mindless attention whore). If he disagrees with everyone here so strongly, why wouldn't he just go find a forum full of people that agree with him, instead if trying to show us the error of our supposed ways?

i guess there's no stormfront for sexually frustrated indian guys? :dunno:


Closed Account
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu



Closed Account
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu


1. I ask for advice in terms of dating foreign women from european countries
2. you guys have told me to stick with my own kind instead of giving me some advice
3. you make nasty indian jokes

that is the issue


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Yeah, but most trolls are just mindless attention whores. I think this guy actually believes he's right, and that we're all a bunch of racist perverts (don't get me wrong, he's obviously a mindless attention whore). If he disagrees with everyone here so strongly, why wouldn't he just go find a forum full of people that agree with him, instead if trying to show us the error of our supposed ways?

reminds me of the fishman.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu


1. I ask for advice in terms of dating foreign women from european countries
2. you guys have told me to stick with my own kind instead of giving me some advice
3. you make nasty indian jokes

that is the issue

1. You make every thread you post about race.

2. You get upset and start flaming anyone who doesn't automatically fawn and agree with you.

3. People are tired of your race threads.

You've got two choices. Take it because YOU are the one who created this contraversial thread KNOWING everyone is sick of seeing them OR go find someplace that has people with the same interests.
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu


1. I ask for advice in terms of dating foreign women from european countries
2. you guys have told me to stick with my own kind instead of giving me some advice
3. you make nasty indian jokes

that is the issue

I don't believe you when you say 'we guys' have told you to stick to your own race. Can you find a quote?


Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Perhaps You Might stop attributing your personal failures with women to race.

Then stop creating multiple threads to raise and complain about essentially the same topic.

Then tone down your race-tainted ranting.

You shouldn't be offended by peoples' reactions to your posts and ideas as they are highly inflammatory. You're not accomplishing anything more than drawing negativity to yourself - intentionally.

Stop it. You are not being persecuted. You are the persecutor.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu



And finally some advice from Trey and Matt.

Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu


1. I ask for advice in terms of dating foreign women from european countries
2. you guys have told me to stick with my own kind instead of giving me some advice
3. you make nasty indian jokes

that is the issue
1. Go fuck yourself
2. In the ass
3. With whatever color dick you prefer

Harley Spencer

Official Checked Star Member
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Revamp, you've gotten racist Indian jokes in your threads in the past because you provoked them. No one would have ever made any of the comments that they have, including myself, if you didn't go around complaining about it in every single post and ask questions that provoke the types of answers you have been getting.

You can't expect anyone to take it lightly when you offend another race or culture. American women look like dykes? Excuse me? I am an American woman. And America is the most diverse country in the world. Nowhere else can you walk down the street and see white people, black people, Indians, Arabs, Chinese, Mexican, Canadian, Australian, Japanese, Korean, British, etc. on the same street. And so therefore, by saying that American women are all dykes, you are also calling all of those other races dykes. America is far more diverse than just white people.

You aren't the most pleasant, rational, or logical person to interact with, so in turn, you can't expect people to take the offensive things you say very lightly.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

Wasn't he gonna get banned for keeping up this shit?
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

The funny thing about this is...south Asian people in fact are Caucasian. So are Arabs and Persians.

So,you're one of us. :)


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

feedin' the troll.

all damn day.

keep feedin' the troll. :sing:


Lord Dipstick
Re: Why is it that every single travel forum I see is like this in terms of race? (yu

says the phaggot with over 12k posts on this forum that replies to everyone on my threads, stick to your hands bitch

and stay off my threads, racist piece of KKK CRAP

either give good advice or get the fuck off

I went to a local 7-11 and after the Indian dude behind the counter gave me my change after buying a Snapple Diet Rasperry Iced Tea, I said "Thanx Vamp!".

I dunno why, I just did.