Why Does Every NFL Coach Look Dumber Than a Box of Rocks on the Sidelines?


NHL and MLB coaches look composed and astute, but these jackass NFL coaches make me wanna puke with their looks of ineptness. :facepalm: Singletary leads in this category, as does Childress and...well, ALL of them. Maybe it's that they have so many g'damn coordinators that they look puzzled as shit? :rolleyes:


Singletary is the last one I would have expected to look like an idiot sidelining as a coach. Back in his days as a player, Mike had some of the scariest looking eyes on the line of scrimmage, Madden always used to point it out, remember? :eek:

You're 100 % correct bloody, there seems to be a hell of a lot of confusion and tentativeness on the sidelines as of late.... at least for the teams with the shitty records that is.


Postal Paranoiac
Yeah...but they dress nice. Except for Ditka.
Because they probably are.


Lord Dipstick
See Wade Phillps :1orglaugh

NHL and MLB coaches look composed and astute, but these jackass NFL coaches make me wanna puke with their looks of ineptness. :facepalm: Singletary leads in this category, as does Childress and...well, ALL of them. Maybe it's that they have so many g'damn coordinators that they look puzzled as shit? :rolleyes:

Don't get me riled up on Lovie Smith's expressionless face as Cutler was sacked 10 times in NY vs the Giants when the O line failed to show up and protect him. If it was Da Coach on the sidelines, Ditka himself would probably suit up and given a few text book old school tackles.

It's probably because they aren't hired on their looks. (Of course it seems that some of them must not have been hired for their football knowledge or their ability to organize and run a football team either. :1orglaugh)
If you want to talk about ridiculous, look no further than Bill Cowher's chin. Good god that thing probably had its own zip code. I do miss coaches like Lombardi and Bum Phillips. And no one in the history of the NFL was a sharper dresser than Hank Stram.:2 cents:

P.S. If you want to talk about coaches with no emotion you should look at the faces of Bill Belicheck and Tony Dungy. On the opposite end of the spectrum we have Dennis Green and Jim Mora Sr.



NHL and MLB coaches look composed and astute, but these jackass NFL coaches make me wanna puke with their looks of ineptness. :facepalm: Singletary leads in this category, as does Childress and...well, ALL of them. Maybe it's that they have so many g'damn coordinators that they look puzzled as shit? :rolleyes:
