Why do we like Internet Forums?

I can talk about things that nobody I know shares my interest in in real life.
The military.
Politics (on the scae I talk about it)

Same here. None of my friends know shit about politics and I'm kind of the brainy one of the group so I come here whenever I want to talk politics

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
So people what keeps us at places like this and do they help?

For me I have been posting on boards for years and really enjoyed a certain board intil it was closed.

Somehow in this really peculiar way it helps me articulate myself better in real life and I have no idea why.

Anything I say or do on the forums is usually what I am thinking from withen and obviously I add a bit of cheekyness I don't do in the real situation but I just seem to emulate my behavior on the forums subconciously when I am being social outside. I notice the difference when I don't post much and it's quite strange.

I also just like reading some of the fucked up shit my fellow weirdos like to post.

Yeah, I agree with that. Including my Compuserve days, I've been posting to various forums for well over 20 years now. And yet, I'm still such a "youngster". Go figure... :dunno:

I don't post on as many forums as I used to. Mostly I'm just on a couple of racing and auto forums now (where I sometimes contribute articles), this board and a couple of professional forums (where I use my real name).

On most of the other forums, I either know, have met or maybe will meet some of the members. This one and one or two others are the only ones where I haven't met anyone in person. When you can attach faces to the names (not just the girls here, I mean), it sometimes causes you to act more like "yourself"... if that makes any sense.

Interesting thread, BTW. :thumbsup:
I think it's to be around like minded people. It's not like you can walk into Starbucks and say "How bout that Lex Steele!?!? What a meat poll!?!?!?!" lololol

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I haz no friends IRL, so I come here to socialize with you guys haha.

IRL, as "In Real Life"? :confused: Hmm, explain this concept of In Real Life. What is this IRL? Where is it? Is it on Google Maps? No? Well, I think you're making it up! I've never seen anybody mention it on Twitter? Does it have a FaceBook page? No? See, crazy talk! It doesn't even exist, now does it?! Admit it! You and your fantasies of IRL! :tinhat:
Here's another acronym for ya- STFU. :)



For the EMPEROR!!
I'm only here because I quit smoking. Otherwise I'd still be out nights at the pub and various night-clubs, ..... and I'm here because I'm a perv too :D


Closed Account
To return to the original question, we use Freeones to engage in philosophical debate about matters of world importance. And to look for links to photos or movies of our favourite women in various forms of sexual activity.
I passes the time if I'm home alone or hubby's watching TV; along with all the other pages I have open at the same time.