On almost every porn channel that has Keni Styles fucking a White chick, the videos get really low ratings. Why is that?
no, not at all, he's just can't fuck that's all!because stereotypes on asian dudes, that's why.
because stereotypes on asian dudes, that's why.
Just noticed ALL vids with Asians banging White girls get bad reviews, strong racism.
It's coming from cuckolds who find black men superior to them
cuz he's the worst performer ever! that guy can't fuck, all the scene who he'll appear are fucked up!
send him back to japan enough with this guy!
thread closed.
ok thank for the info, but wait... i don't fucking care...Keni Styles is English from a Thai heritage.
Keni Styles is English from a Thai heritage.
On almost every porn channel that has Keni Styles fucking a White chick, the videos get really low ratings. Why is that?
It's coming from cuckolds who find black men superior to them
It's from Black guys THEMSELVES. Take a look on their forums and you'll see it's the same group of Black men who harass performers who haven't done enough work with Black men, or Black women who do scenes with non-Black men.
They are scum.
It's from Black guys THEMSELVES. Take a look on their forums and you'll see it's the same group of Black men who harass performers who haven't done enough work with Black men, or Black women who do scenes with non-Black men.
They are scum.
It's from Black guys THEMSELVES. Take a look on their forums and you'll see it's the same group of Black men who harass performers who haven't done enough work with Black men, or Black women who do scenes with non-Black men.
They are scum.