Why do people hate on Jenna jameson?

Georges, I happen to be a huge Jenna fan and you happen to not to be a Jenna fan. That is fine, you have every right to like whom you want and not care for whom you want. But, just because you don't like someones performances doesn't give you the right to be disrepectful towards that person as you have been with Jenna. You say that you hate Jenna and have called her a bitch. Don't really know how you can say that about someone that you really do not know.

I'm sure that your would not appreciate me (or anyone else here) saying that they hated someone that you liked or called them a bitch. If you don't care for Jenna that is fine, there is no problem there, but no need to be disrespectful.

This is an open forum where you are allowed to express your opinions, but they should be expressed with respect for others.
Whoa... this thread is turning into a bloody battle. Who'd of thought that poor Jenna who spark such a heated debate.
i never really got into the whole pron thing until i saw jenna. now i am still not really into it; but i like her. i could watch her all day.
to forgey and to rookie. you have your own point of view right, i had mine.period.
"to each his own and his opinion"
i will leave this to its place because it is useless.

regards and have a nice day

georges :) ;)
real pornstars take it in the ass, Jenna never did (at least not on film anyway) that in my opinion makes her little more than a glamour model, a paris hilton or a pamela anderson. She is famous, good looking and rich, but that is not what I want to wack off to, gimme shyla stylez any day. Take it in the ass, take DP, eat cum or DONT call yourseld a pornstar.
Jenna is a honey so she is.

I have molested myself hundreds of times while watching her in videos :nanner:
I dont hate her, I may disslike how she looks now and thats is my right to have an opinion but back in the day (I hate that term) She was fantastic.


Because most people think she's the Antichrist. The Devil. Evil incarnate.

Wait... I thought I was still in one of the Sarah Palin threads. Nevermind.
I do like her!
she is so hot:thumbsup: nice bobs. ass, mouth and ....:banana:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Bottom line is everybody has a right to speak there opinion, problem is opinions are like assholes everybodies got one! if you like her fine, if you don't tough shit! cuz she is laughing all the way to the bank!

I personally like her, I don't think she is the prettiest or the best pornstar in the industry, but that only my opinion, she obviously did allot of things right to achieve her status as the modern day (PORNSTAR QUEEN) she did that by being smart, savvy and working the industry like she wanted and ran it! and others are just jealous cuz she did run the industry without gettin extremely nasty in the process! :yinyang: :hatsoff:
I think it may be simple overexposure.

Ask any random (non-porn-watching) person to name a pornstar. They'll say, "Jenna Jameson." Ask them to name another, and they'll just look at you blankly.

Even people who know nothing about basketball know who Michael Jordan is. You don't need to be a race fan to know who Dale Earnhardt (not sure how you spell that) was. And could you identify Tiger Woods if you've never watch professional golf? Of course you could.
Hell I've never watched tennis but I know who that Anna Ko-whateverhername is is.

Jenna has been the poster child for the business for so long, I think a lot of people are just "outgrowing" her. She's more of a celebrity now than a pornstar.

Just my :2 cents: