Why do people hate fake boobs?

If I got some kind of surgery on my (already very massive ;)) cock, and turned it into a 10-pound, 14-inch monster (an upgrade from the 8-pound, 12-inch beast that it is - haha!), and it was all packed full of silicone or saline, I can't say I would blame a woman from finding it nasty and gross, and choosing an all-natural guy over me...

Some body modifications just seem purely cosmetic and superficial, and they can augment the natural beauty that one has. I'm thinking of make-up, hair-coloring, piercings (most of 'em anyway), and tattoos (within reason). Actually pumping oneself full of bags and synthetic chemicals to appear different than you really are, that's just....just... problematic.

Also, the vast majority of fake tits really LOOK fake (and definitely FEEL fake, too).
If I got some kind of surgery on my (already very massive ;)) cock, and turned it into a 10-pound, 14-inch monster (an upgrade from the 8-pound, 12-inch beast that it is - haha!), and it was all packed full of silicone or saline, I can't say I would blame a woman from finding it nasty and gross, and choosing an all-natural guy over me...

Some body modifications just seem purely cosmetic and superficial, and they can augment the natural beauty that one has. I'm thinking of make-up, hair-coloring, piercings (most of 'em anyway), and tattoos (within reason). Actually pumping oneself full of bags and synthetic chemicals to appear different than you really are, that's just....just... problematic.

Also, the vast majority of fake tits really LOOK fake (and definitely FEEL fake, too).

Make-up, piercings & hair coloring can be removed without a problem. Tattoos & fake breasts cannot (at least not as easily as the other examples). Still, since my main concern with fake breasts is the natural proportions that are lost, I don't mind tattoos as much (even though very large tattoos on a small or skinny girl look just as silly & out of proportion, hence the reason why I generally don't like those either).

If a girl apply make-up in such manner that the proportions are lost (usually done by 14-15 yr old girls playing with make-up for the 1st time without their moms watching over their backs), I don't like it either, but clean their faces & the problem is gone.
Most American boobjobs have been done with saline, which doesn't feel like natural breast tissue. On the other hand, silicone breast implants feel like breast tissue (fat) and move in the body the same as natural breast tissue from what I have read.

Look at this tasteful example of something done in moderation

Wow....just looked at that and there are some chicks there who really, really, really, really, really.......NEEDED some help with their tits. THANKFULLY the technology exists so they could be helped.:glugglug:
meh, I like them real. Even if they are small, even really small, I prefer it to fake.

To me it has something to do with the woman's perspective. I'd prefer her to be happy/content with her body than for her to alter it. If she's happy with her body it will be a lot easier for me to enjoy it and for her to enjoy me enjoying it.

Real for me. I don't hate fakes, I'm just not thrilled with the mentality they often (not always) espouse.

I will second this notion, very well put. And not only with the woman's perspective but thoughts of the future as well, do this to your self too young and you might have complications when kids enter the picture. And does any body have the 'maintenance' explained to them about 'life' of the implant etc?

As far as the shallow approach about how I think they look...well TT linked to a great site that is for ADVERTISING and of course they are showing the best of their work, but what about bad jobs, and poor healing and disproportionate sagging or the 'wrinkles' that sometimes show on the sides.

And lastly, the feel; I can't get around the fact that natural feels the best! 'Nuff said!
I need to clarify that I don't hate fake tits. That would be just stupid of me to say. I have seen plenty of top quality enhancements on girls that I really like.
Most breast 'enhancements' look ugly. I really dislike it when they go up more than a size or so, because they usually end up looking really bad. Otherwise, if they're lucky they can just about get away with it. Kinzie Kenner is an example of a boob-job going well.

I've also got to say that 9 times out of 10, I prefer naturally sagging large breasts to silcone. I'll always lament the day Veronika Zemanova decided to get surgery. :( Why, God, WHYYY???!


Not so perfect:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
In another side they can change some women's life...those who suffered from breast cancer and lost one part of their feminine advantages !

I see what you're saying and I agree. But I think most would make a big distinction between breast reconstruction, that resulted from a health concern, and the standard "make me bigger" boob job (well done or not).

And to be clear, it really is the clown and coconut/football shaped boobs and bad boob jobs (scars, ripples, wrinkles, wide gaps/cleavage) that I don't care for - others might love them. What a girl does with her body is her business, the way I see it. As long as it's not my money that's involved, what she does is up to her. Though I might have an opinion and it might affect how I feel about her if we're in a relationship. We all have freedom of choice. She has the freedom to do what she wants, and I have the freedom to accept or reject the result.

Tattoos are no different. I generally don't go for them. And if a girl I'm seeing happened to get a giant rose on her boob or across her chest, that's enough of a turn off for me that I'd probably break up with her. She could find a guy who goes for tats. I'd find a girl who didn't have them. And we'd both be happier. :thumbsup:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Often they hate them because they are attached to fake people. In a world of famine and war and cancer etc some bint having a strop because her chest furniture isn't arranged to her satisfaction, can come off as a little self absorbed.

We also don't like to be reminded about our own shallowness. Sometimes we take immense pride in mocking the vanity of others. The biggest laugh on the planet is reserved for exposing a man who wears a wig. I don't know how this became the ultimate expression of deranged vanity but it did?

As I have on occasion posted elsewhere - because I get bored and this question gets asked 7 million times a week on here - fake boobs can take on the apperance of those glass domes that crackle with electricity in old Frankenstien movies. Why anyone would get excited over two goldfish bowls with relief maps of the inland waterways of the Cotswolds emanating out from the nipple is beyond me? This though is just a matter of taste.
Well, I will be very serious this time !

Of course I don't hate fake boobs (when work is well done ! ).
In another side they can change some women's life...those who suffered from breast cancer and lost one part of their feminine advantages !

So, no I don't hate fake boobs !!!

Sorry, I didn't read this when I wrote my last post... Otherwise I'd have replied to this then.

The difference is that when a girl has had breast cancer and had to have one (or both) breasts removed, they're not adding anything, but restoring that which they lost, so they're essentially bringing it back to proportions.
I think TrueTransexual speaks the truth, and I can offer nothing more than :thumbsup:

If there was silicone penis surgery the same proportion of men would get it done as women who get boob jobs. Look at how much money Viagra pulls in and that's just a pill. Wait until someone develops an insertible cartilege sleeve or something and see how many men get it done and proclaim the glory of their new penises.

I like both natural and enhanced. If boobjobs give women more sexual confidence, then why should I complain :dunno:

Don't we want people to have more sex and enjoy it more? :dunno:
i don't hate fake boobies because I like how they look when they're covered up with something skimpy, but I don't like the visible indentations one can see when a chic with a boob job is getting banged. It's just a matter of preference and I just prefer natural breastesses no matter what size they are
I'm turned off by women with fake boobs. natural boobs on the other hand...I love. Most women with natural boobs out shine women with fake boobs, any day.