Wow, there's a lot of shit flying around in this thread, and a new low from the worm. "do not have functional brains?" wow. That is all.
I think there is a perception factor here. Often women who are perceived to be "hot" and "desirable" are the ones who are playing the field. You notice women who are hopping men you know to be jerks, because the men AND the women are acting like dumbasses. We (men) notice those women, and think we want them.
The truth is, we don't. Women who seek out assholes are self-destructive. There may be a lot of reasons for that, and I'm making no judgment on those women. But they aren't looking for good guys, and they aren't going to find lasting relationships.
My advice? Well, for anyone who cares, find the hot, jerk-seeking woman x, and look behind her at the woman regarding woman x with disdain. That's more likely the woman you'd like to be with.
These are strictly Dirk's opinions. If you disagree with them, while you're likely wrong, please don't take offense. I'm only looking to piss off a few.