Women can't compartmentalize as easily as men.Women don't just go out and have sex with anyone. They usually want to have it with someone they care about. There are occasions when they just want to fuck some hot guy but believe me that attraction is short lived. Especially when some of the guys seem so shallow to them. If they do stray, if there is any substance to the relationship you have with her i.e. you offer her a sense of stability, or are good father material, that is what will peak their interest. Also jealousy will kill a relationship quicker than anything. Men are visual creatures we tend to fall for a woman a lot faster than the woman falls for the man. There is an assessment process that takes place with women and you are constantly being compared to other men. This process can take some time and men often times are impatient in allowing the woman to decide what she wants. You will have an edge if you do not show anger or jealousy with a woman. A quiet confidence seems to go along ways with them too.
I know this is a bit off the subject but felt like voicing an opinion here.
I said all that to say this, men are by nature not monogamous, I know there are a lot of good men out there that are, but I am speaking about the species as a whole. There are two kinds of sex to men. The sex with the person we love and those that we fuck. And there is a big difference.
I believe a man can be in love with a woman but still want to fuck someone else. I'll probably catch a lot of shit for saying that but I feel it is true. I think that explains the sex drive question to some extent. We are the aggressors in procreation and mother nature made us that way.
Like I told a woman a few years back. Spaghetti is my favorite food, I just don't want it everyday.
I know this is a bit off the subject but felt like voicing an opinion here.
I said all that to say this, men are by nature not monogamous, I know there are a lot of good men out there that are, but I am speaking about the species as a whole. There are two kinds of sex to men. The sex with the person we love and those that we fuck. And there is a big difference.
I believe a man can be in love with a woman but still want to fuck someone else. I'll probably catch a lot of shit for saying that but I feel it is true. I think that explains the sex drive question to some extent. We are the aggressors in procreation and mother nature made us that way.
Like I told a woman a few years back. Spaghetti is my favorite food, I just don't want it everyday.