why do chicks dig ron jeremy?

From what I've seen of him (Surreal Life and other interviews), he's a good guy who was very professional about what he did. Probably had a little to do with his "good" reputation within the business, of course the rest is probably his marketing that just coined him as the "next thing" in a completely empty male-pornstar industry.
Miss Brittany said:
I have worked with him hosting a ton of parties and doing charity gigs but I do have some pride.

God No. I have never done him on film.

Yo, people can see that.

Arghhhh, no way jose.

Also playing ball with someone and fucking a big fat hairy ugly dude r 2 different things man.

Oh Yeah.

As far as his personality, he is sweet but sleazy.

I can handle Ron in small doses.

You made me laugh with your honesty.

But yeah its just like I said its the fame part, and I dont remember but whoever was sayin all those chicks get paid its not true. Yes for movies they do, but the guy has sex with hundreds on the side for free. Think about it this way Jenna Jameson the most famous woman in porn, granted she isnt fat and ugly but I bet most guys want her just so they can say they had Jenna Jameson. Even if she is their type or not, thats the general idea and Ill say again I know there is a big difference between Ron and Jenna but its the fame and the name that gets em. Same with other celebs good lookin or not.

Another good example, Flava Flav had his own show with all these nice lookin chicks competing with him. He may seem like a cool guy to some but u cant lie and say he look good lol

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
Hello, Donald Trump! He gets serious ass. I have known girls that have done him.

How can u get to sucking cock while laughing so hard at the hair?

He He.

If Ron had no name that boy would be paying!

Simple as that.

However if u r gonna star fuck, cum on, do Collin!

Please women.

Get some taste.

or at least taste something good and yummy.

As believe me Ron aint it.
Well.....I kinda like the guy. If he can be a pornstar, then, bloody hell, there is hope for everyone! :D But I think he seems quite likable. Don't know him personally (of course...)

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I do well. As I said he is nice but very very sleazy.

Like a car salesman but worse.

I like him for about 20 mins then Im so over it.

He plays games.

What u think u see and know is very different from the real deal.

He is nice but........

That is where I will leave it.
haha ahh I like ya brittany you got spunk we should hang sometime you seem like a you would have fun hanging out with a smartass like myself. Plus I can dance better than Ron lol
Well, you make the guy sound as if there is slime dripping while he walks.....To me he seems like a Santa who had enough of chimneys, shaved his beard and decided to play chimney-sweeper to other kinds of chimneys :D (ok, I should really stay off the ouzo!)