why do chicks dig ron jeremy?

Cause he is a legend? Cause he can suck his own dick (yuk)? Cause he has a huge weener?

I don't know lol
Ron Jeremy looked a lot different at 18, I'm sure, than he does now. And he's in the *porn* business, so women are paid to have sex with him and his giant wang.



Retired Mod
Alot of money and a huge dick make many women overlook less appealing traits.
You're living in the past dude. Ron Jeremy does not "get all the chicks" anymore. That's Kid Rock.
i've senn a video that seemed pretty recent and the chick said if she could do a scene with any guy it would be ron jeremy.


They are models... most would pose naked with a piece of steak for the right price.
Really, it's a bit naive to think that "chicks" think that he is hot or that women are attracted to a large cock alone.
Fucking Ron Jeremy in a movie, for newer or relatively-unknown performers, is sort of a "break" in The Biz. It's really a marketing choice to get more work by getting noticed... :2 cents:
wwe2005 said:
i've senn a video that seemed pretty recent and the chick said if she could do a scene with any guy it would be ron jeremy.

Ok, Now, what do you think the chick would say if it was her mother asking her the same question? Remember, her mother's not paying her to say anything.
I wouldn't be posting comparison pics because it's certainly not his looks...he's in the porn bussiness where people get paid to fuck other people on camera. Ron Jeremy has become famous and well known probably for being notoriously 'ugl'y and 'different' to most of the young studs around has become a legend in the bussiness so now a scene with him is something special.


Retired Moderator
Jeremy says he crossed the million-dollar earnings mark. Maybe that has something to do with it :dunno:
Its his fame and his personality period.
Same reason chicks would love to have sex with these musicians and celebs that dont even look that good.
wwe hang out in the sun a bit, it makes u look healthier and better to chicks
anybody know what he does now? I saw a documentary on him and it was quite depressing. He is one LONELY dude who is starving for attention. As many beautiful women that he has been with, he sure is hell didn't seem "rich" or happy in that movie!