Why did she cry after we had sex?

I'm guessing she cried because you kept yelling, "That's right, bitch. Cry like a baby" while you were doing it.

But I could be wrong. That may not have been a contributing factor.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Maybe you were just terrible. I mean, I'm pretty bad at it, but I've never made a girl CRY before. Sooooo, you must suck pretty hard.

'Twas my diagnosis as well. Plus, not enough foreplay. Or fiveplay.
Wouldn't you cry if you had to have sex with you?
I know that everyone is just trying to be funny, but I'm worried about some of the guys on here and their ability to understand women.

It's unlikely that she cried because she was unsatisfied with you. It may have been from the pain. Obviously it hurts the first time and for a lot of women sex can be painful even under normal circumstances.

It's normal for women to cry after sex. Believe it or not, but for some people sex is something that is about emotions, not just physical feeling.

They may also have feelings of relief, or of anxiety, or yes, guilt as some have said. It's not always bad. Having an orgasm can be very emotional for some women, and that will make them cry.

I'm going to be honest here, the first time that I had sex with my partner she cried afterwards. Her last relationship ended very badly. Her boyfriend of nearly a year that she had been living with told her that he had no feelings towards her and was just using her for sex. After we had sex she felt bad because she thought of him and did not want to have a relationship based on sex and felt bad about herself for not having the willpower to go without it.

I comforted her and we got through it and have a healthy sexual relationship now. If I had taken the advice of many of the guys on here and condemned her and bailed, it would have been horrible for her and made her problems very much worse.
I know that everyone is just trying to be funny, but I'm worried about some of the guys on here and their ability to understand women.

It's unlikely that she cried because she was unsatisfied with you. It may have been from the pain. Obviously it hurts the first time and for a lot of women sex can be painful even under normal circumstances.

It's normal for women to cry after sex. Believe it or not, but for some people sex is something that is about emotions, not just physical feeling.

They may also have feelings of relief, or of anxiety, or yes, guilt as some have said. It's not always bad. Having an orgasm can be very emotional for some women, and that will make them cry.

I'm going to be honest here, the first time that I had sex with my partner she cried afterwards. Her last relationship ended very badly. Her boyfriend of nearly a year that she had been living with told her that he had no feelings towards her and was just using her for sex. After we had sex she felt bad because she thought of him and did not want to have a relationship based on sex and felt bad about herself for not having the willpower to go without it.

I comforted her and we got through it and have a healthy sexual relationship now. If I had taken the advice of many of the guys on here and condemned her and bailed, it would have been horrible for her and made her problems very much worse.

Great post Calpoon. Amazing to see an honest answer to someone's question.....rare occurrence around here lately.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I'm going to be honest here, the first time that I had sex with my partner she cried afterwards. Her last relationship ended very badly. Her boyfriend of nearly a year that she had been living with told her that he had no feelings towards her and was just using her for sex. After we had sex she felt bad because she thought of him and did not want to have a relationship based on sex and felt bad about herself for not having the willpower to go without it.

Alright, I know that people have emotions and that sometimes they can get the best of us, but...

Don't you find it kind of discomforting that a girl you just had sex with was thinking about somebody else? And, that somebody else was her ex-boyfriend?

Personally, I'd be a little upset about that. I mean, if you're not ready to have sex with me, then don't have sex with me. Don't just go through the motions and hope for the best if you're not ready to handle it; wait until you don't have any doubts and then have sex with me.

I'm not bad-mouthing your situation or anything (like I said, people have emotions...), I just don't understand why people are so quick to hop into bed with someone, especially when they obviously have intimacy issues to deal with before hand. Personally, I don't think anybody should be having sex with another person until they love them and have absolutely no doubt or fear in their heart. If a girl starts thinking about her ex-boyfriend after I had sex with her, I would have seeeeerious doubts about our relationship and her level of commitment to our future together. But, maybe that's just me.

Are you sure you yelled HER name when you were coming?
Alright, I know that people have emotions and that sometimes they can get the best of us, but...

Don't you find it kind of discomforting that a girl you just had sex with was thinking about somebody else? And, that somebody else was her ex-boyfriend?


He is probably only with her for the sex so why would he care?

I'm not bad-mouthing your situation or anything (like I said, people have emotions...), I just don't understand why people are so quick to hop into bed with someone, especially when they obviously have intimacy issues to deal with before hand. Personally, I don't think anybody should be having sex with another person until they love them and have absolutely no doubt or fear in their heart.

That's a good point. Honestly I think a good deal of the time it's simply because people are horny and then maybe they feel differently about it upon reflection. People generally don't put so much thought into it beforehand, and even if they do, it's no guarantee about how they will feel later.

Also, maybe sadly, people feel a lot of pressure to have sex because it's "normal", or it's what everyone else is doing. People might say "We aren't having sex. Why not? There must be something wrong with our relationship." Or more likely they will think that their partner is thinking that about them.

It's not really a big deal to me. Sex is just something that people do and if emotions are involved, then that's even better. But then I don't have a lot of hang-ups on the subject. It's kind of just something that you have to get used to in relationships that someone else is going to feel differently then you about some things, and might have insecurities and anxieties.

I can't speak for everyone but it doesn't seem that unusual to me for people to compare their current experiences with previous ones, either as a positive or a negative. Especially when it comes to relationships, especially if you feel like you had done something wrong to make a previous relationship not work out, you are going to be thinking about that in how you deal with your current one.

also as a general rule it's not a very good idea to jump right into a new relationship after you just got out of one, but people seem to do that a lot and that can cause some tension.