Why Being "Discreet" Isn't Always "Discreet"...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I recently had the urge to purchase some pornography. I haven't bought an adult DVD in quite some time and, to be honest, I was getting tired of tenderizing my pud to the same old shit every week, so, I perused the internet to purchase some new porn. After taking a cruise on the information super-highway and browsing for a while, I came across www.sextoy.com and noticed that they had some DVD's that I was interested in.

I browsed the site for a while, looking at various DVDs and waiting to see which ones would peek my interest. Then, I found it. Squirting DVDs...it was so obvious (well, to me anyway). I've always been a big fan of squirting, so I said to myself, "JACKPOT", and began to feel a little alive inside.

I then began to browse through the selection of "Female Ejaculation" DVDs and came across a few that I liked. Cum Rain Cum Shine, Squirt Showers and Supersquirt #5. I then whipped out my...debit card...and then began the ordering process. I entered all my information, bleep blop bloop, clicked all the appropriate "make this purchase" buttons, blop blip bleep, and I now had some DVDs on the way to my apartment.

According to the website, they use "discreet mailing" and send/bill every order from Convergence, Inc. I checked my "track package" information about an hour ago, because it seemed like my DVDs should've been here by now, and noticed that the package had arrived here in Chicago and was set to be delivered tomorrow. "Sweet", I thought to myself, "I'm going to play with my junk to something new this weekend." Then, I wondered what time it would be delivered. So, I looked up the number to the post office and called to see if they could tell me what time my whack-off movies would arrive.

I call up the USPS and get some younger woman on the phone. She sounded pretty cute, but she might've had a face like a butt...who knows? :dunno: I didn't care, I thought she sounded cute and that's all that mattered, sort of. Anyway, she looked up my information for me and then asked "Do you know where the package is coming from?" I told her that I didn't know where it was mailed from because I ordered it online. She assured me that was fine and then proceeded to ask me something that turned the whole situation around.

HER: "Do you know who is sending you the package?"
ME: "I'm not really sure of the company name, to be honest."
HER: "Is it...CONVERGENCE? Does that sound right?" :snickers:
ME: "Umm...maybe, I don't know."
HER: :snickers: "Ok, I can't give you a specific time, but it will be delivered tomorrow." :snickers:
ME: "Alright. Umm...can I ask, what's so funny?"
HER: "Oh, nothing." :snickers:
ME: :thinking that she knows what Convergence, Inc is:
HER: "Is there anything else I can help you with?"
ME: "Yeah. You know what Convergence is...don't you?"
HER: "Umm...er..."
ME: "HA, that's aaaaawesome."
HER: "What's awesome?"
ME: "You snickered because you've ordered naughty things from the internet before. That is so awesome."
HER: :quiet for a few seconds: "You ordered it too! Did you uh, get anything good?"
ME: "Just a few DVDs. You?"
HER: "Well, I can't really say because I'm at work, but let's just say that I got a 'boyfriend' that I can come home to."
ME: "No way. This is the coolest phone call I've ever made."

The moral of the story:

Everybody you talk to on the phone has ordered porn before and knows exactly what you're having delivered to yourself.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
hell yea, see if she'd like to join you!

Listen to the blackimal. Your future wife could be slingin' mail, bro!

Dixie.. I bet it's you down at the office, why you teasin' our good buddy chef?! :p lmao

Dixie, you're cool. Black.. 3 posts on your record and I already like 1 of 'em. Stick around and post with these cats. ;)
That is a great story chef.

...I entered all my information, bleep blop bloop, clicked all the appropriate "make this purchase" buttons, blop blip bleep...

And that part made me laugh. I don't know why, it just tickled me.

One a side note, wouldn't that be soooooooooo annoying? To have your keyboard beep like a mobile phone every time to pressed the keys?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
That is a great story chef.

And that part made me laugh. I don't know why, it just tickled me.

One a side note, wouldn't that be soooooooooo annoying? To have your keyboard beep like a mobile phone every time to pressed the keys?

It made you laugh because I'm HI-LAAAAAR-IOUS. And...unfortunately, the only way that girls will allow me to "tickle" them is through my sense of humor.

Oh, and if my keyboard went bleep blop blop everytime (bleep) I (blop) typed (bloop) something (blop blop) I wouldddddddd (BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)...

:hits keyboard:

Sorry, my "d" button got stuck. As I was saying...if my keyboard went bleep blop blop everytime I typed something, I would kill myself in the most painful way I could think of.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
It made you laugh because I'm HI-LAAAAAR-IOUS. And...unfortunately, the only way that girls will allow me to "tickle" them is through my sense of humor.

Oh, and if my keyboard went bleep blop blop everytime (bleep) I (blop) typed (bloop) something (blop blop) I wouldddddddd (BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP)...

:hits keyboard:

Sorry, my "d" button got stuck. As I was saying...if my keyboard went bleep blop blop everytime I typed something, I would kill myself in the most painful way I could think of.

You're already dying of pussy deficiency. You need more PINK in your DIET. GET SOME HOLE ALREADY! Arent you up in Chicago?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
You're already dying of pussy deficiency. You need more PINK in your DIET. GET SOME HOLE ALREADY! Arent you up in Chicago?

But I frequently eat grapefruit...:confused:

Unless...waaaaait a minute...you meant VAGINALLY RELATED PINKIES? Dis-goosed-ing!!!

I bet the next time I get a helping of slit stew, I'll be so old that I won't be able to eat it. Fuck...life is a son of a cock.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My DVDs are here, my DVDs are here!!!

But, it's only 9:30 in the morning and I went to bed at 4:30AM...I'm too tired to use them. Noooooooo!!! :mad:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
My DVDs are here, my DVDs are here!!!

But, it's only 9:30 in the morning and I went to bed at 4:30AM...I'm too tired to use them. Noooooooo!!! :mad:

Scratch that...

I have been doing some extensive scientific research in my lab for the past hour or so and I have come to this conclusion:

I was, as a matter of scientific fact, NOT too tired to use my new porn DVDs.

My results are currently being rinsed down the sink drain.
Scratch that...

I have been doing some extensive scientific research in my lab for the past hour or so and I have come to this conclusion:

I was, as a matter of scientific fact, NOT too tired to use my new porn DVDs.

My results are currently being rinsed down the sink drain.
Don't rinse it down the drain, put it on Ebay or something. It will be worth millions one day. :1orglaugh


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I said that to you the other night, but you were too busy doing the phone sex thing with Senob to pay any attention. :thefinger

You did no such thing!!!

You flashed Senob and he described it to me. Thank you for the effort, but, what a rip off. It was very nice, but also very, very pointless. I mean, I'm sure it looked fantastic, but...describing things doesn't do it for me.

"You see Chef, having sex with a girl's vagina feels a lot like sandwiching your penis in between two raw chicken breasts and rubbing them back and forth."

See...nothing. Although, I do have some chicken in the freeezeeeer...