On a second thought some of my comments seemed very harsh and judgemental. I know it's ''only'' the internet, but I want to apologize for some of the things I wrote. Going through some of the comments it seems that I have infuriated some of you, which is not that hard to understand. I am deeply sorry for that. When I wrote some of my comments I didn't think there were people from the porn industry on this forum (yes, I registered 3 years ago, but I am very rarely on these forums), and I may have done an even worse sin by forgetting that pornstars (and prostitutes, strippers, etc. for that sake) are human beings too with feelings and emotions. Discussion, which was my intent with this thread, is healthy, but on a 2nd thought some of my posts seemed very harsh. I am still a young guy so you learn things as the minutes go by, and what I or society believe is right may not necessarily be what is in fact right. Everyone has their own choices and beliefs, and they should be respected regardless of what they are.