Why? Uh, cause how about we don't care?! So you got a better health care system. We don't care. So you got a better educational system. We don't care. I guess your kids can do math and understand science too? We don't care. That stuff ain't all that important anyway. We got access to Wikipedia. That's all ya need. Sweden is a horrible place in reality. I've seen pictures of it (on Wikipedia). It snows all the time (even in the summer time) and it's not uncommon for dragons to swoop down and pluck little babies out of their mother's arms. Plus, who wants to live in a place populated by large breasted blonde women? Ick!
We got lots and lots of stuff that you Swedeners don't have. Like... uh... like... well, the Super Bowl, for one! You don't have a Super Bowl, do ya?! Nah. And NASCAR. You don't have NASCAR. Plus, in my town alone, we have access to three Burger Kings, two McDonalds, a Pizza Hut, a Starbucks
and a Walmart! I bet you don't have those kinds of luxuries in all of Sweden! You people are jealous of all that we have here. You're just jealous of our freedoms and stuff.
So what if our kids can't read, write or do math? Who cares?! So what if we're dying off like flies from diabetes because we eat too much shitty food? We don't care. We're
U.S. 'Muricans and don't you forget it! Now leave us alone or we'll invade your country and take your oil! Where is Sweden, anyway? We don't know anything about geography either, so we'll just start bombing countries beginning with France and work our way north until we find you! You can run but you
can't hide!