Why are Americans so afraid of Socialism?

I simply cannot understand why Americans are so very afraid of Socialism. There are many socialised programs in this country, and America is certainly a land where people strive for equality of all people...Socialism helps, when done correctly, to accomplish that.

There is also a misconception about the difference between Socialism and Communism (not that I'm saying Wikipedia is a really reliable source...). It seems most Americans believe these terms synonymous when they really are not.

Can someone enlighten me? Americans? why are you afraid of, why do you hate Socialism?
Because we've been conditioned to believe we live in "the land of opportunity" where a person's hard work will "provide" them freedom and a higher quality of life then what we believe the Euros have and certainly the commies in Cuba and China have. An American will find wealth and "the American dream" (home ownership) as long as government "gets out of the way" of people.

The problem that my fellow Americans fail to see is that our "freedom" and "classless democracy" is a breeding ground for corporate corruption. We don't see that corporations have ushered in "corporate socialism" through "Globalization" already. We think that America operates under some sort of "free market" which was envisioned back in the wig and musket days of the "Revolution."

Socialism is dismissed in America by Republicans as being "cradle-to-grave" gov't protection but they fail to realize or admit that this is exactly what most Americans want and will pay taxes for. It's too dangerous for an American citizen to place trust in the corporation at this point.

We already have some socialistic approaches--the Military has socialized medicine and I have yet to meet any Military person--retired or active--who would opt out of Miltary healthcare for HMO or present citizen Healthcare options.

Shopping is very "socialized" but Americans don't realize it. Pretty much every big box retailer "looks the same" and sells the same manufacturers, the same brands the same product mixes. I think the only difference between a WalMart vest and a Best Buy vest is the color?

There's also a misconception that Socialism "spreads wealth" or infringes on peoples' ability to become millionaires or billionaires. I seem to think there are more millionaires in Euro Cities than in America.

Euros build better things than we do. European cars are more desireable than American cars. American homes all try to copy Italian of French "looks"....etc. Americans pretty much created the strip mall aesthetic and the "tract home" aesthetic where everything looks the same wherever you go...how is this not "socialism"? Strip malls and tract homes are the way they are because we're a cheap people who think something is higher quality if it has a low price.

Will E Worm

We have already gone over this before.

Socialism sucks and so do Socialist. William Cooper
Socialism fails, has failed and been proven a failure on any large scale.
That is reason enough.
Because we confuse our economic system with our political system. Most Americans simply equate capitalism with democracy, and they assume that if you have socialism then you must necessarily have gulags, tanks in the streets, widespread poverty, etc.

Of course, people don't even really care what the definitions for these terms are, they just think Obama = Hitler = Stalin, etc.

Americans believe that anything less than laissez-faire, global monopoly capitalism is dangerous, and therefore shouldn't even be considered.
Because we confuse our economic system with our political system. Most Americans simply equate capitalism with democracy, and they assume that if you have socialism then you must necessarily have gulags, tanks in the streets, widespread poverty, etc.

Of course, people don't even really care what the definitions for these terms are, they just think Obama = Hitler = Stalin, etc.

Americans believe that anything less than laissez-faire, global monopoly capitalism is dangerous, and therefore shouldn't even be considered.

Socialism IS a political system where the government controls all aspects of the economy that IS the problem with it. The second problem is people who do not know that is what socialism is.
The US Government currently only provides 1 'service' to Americans our mail via the U.S. post office. We do not want our banks and financial institutions run with the waste and inefficiency of the post office. We do not want the Government taking control of OUR money and spending it for us or even just telling us how we can spend it assuming they will let us have money. We really do not want our government controlling all means of production nor do we want them in direct control of our utilities.
We're not afraid of socialism...we just love individualism and seek it at they exclusion of socialism whenever possible.


Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude .

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” <----- Is by Winston Churchill.

Also I have been to Bosina with the US Army as part of the UN force in the late 90's and have personally saw what socialism can do to a country. Also our Decleration of Independance states "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness". Socialist are angry people, or they are rich college kids that are pissed at mommy and daddy and feel they need to wear Che t-shirts.

Also if socialism works why have so many Europeans of all nationalities, Cubans and Soivets Deffect or Immigrate to this country? Maybe so they can something more, looking for the American dream.
Also if socialism works why have so many Europeans of all nationalities, Cubans and Soivets Deffect or Immigrate to this country? Maybe so they can something more, looking for the American dream.

communism does not equal socialism, but thanks for playing.

and socialism and democracy have many things in common. in fact, you'll find many democratic socialist nations.

do you have some sources to back up the information in your post, or were you just speaking off the cuff?
There is a very simple reason for this and its the fact that the rich and the big corporations do not benefit from it. Its actually a detriment to them because then they would have to actually contribute instead of continually trying to steal or screw the average person. This is why since the Great Depression that these people have managed to systematically take away every program that FDR instituted to help the people. From what I've read and I'm sure some of our European friends can put there :2 cents: into this, but corporations in Europe are not allowed to "run wild" without any control. And outsourcing people's jobs to a foreign country like India, China and etc is not acceptable in these countries. But unfortunately, here its encouraged because then they can get extremely cheap labor.

And at least they take care of their people and don't let them just fend for themselves. Look at the whole homeless problem we have here, and I can keep going but I'll stop now.

What I really love is how stupid people are thinking that Europe and other countries are like the third world, I've been around and some of the people in these countries live the same or even better than we do.


Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equality for all individuals

Below is a list of Countries who constitution makes referance to socialist ideals, but are NOT communist. your right American should strive to be more like these countries.

[edit] Constitutional references
Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh (since 16 December 1972) (Gônoprojatontri Bangladesh) (see Constitution of Bangladesh)
Egypt - Arab Republic of Egypt (Gumhūriyyet Maṣr el-ʿArabiyyah) (since 11 September 1971) (see Constitution of Egypt)
India - Republic of India (since 2 November 1976) (see Constitution of India)
Libya - Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Al-Jamāhīriyyah al-ʿArabiyyah al-Lībiyyah aš-Šaʿbiyyah al-Ištirākiyyah al-ʿUẓmā) (since 1 September 1969)
Portugal - Portuguese Republic (República Portuguesa) (since 1976) (see Constitution of Portugal)
Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (since 7 September 1978) (see Constitution of Sri Lanka)
Syria - Syrian Arab Republic (Al-Jumhūriyyah al-ʿArabiyyah as-Sūriyyah) (since 1973) (see Constitution of Syria)
Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania (since 26 April 1964) (see Constitution of Tanzania)

[edit] Informal
Nicaragua - Republic of Nicaragua (República de Nicaragua) (see Sandinista)
Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) (see Bolivarianism)

Maybe next time when Socialist Europe goes to war America will keep its damn nose out, we saved your ass once might not do it again, although Socialist obama will have his dick so far up Europe's ass we will have to help them again.. hell most of your Armies and Air Forces are fighting with out equipment anyways.
Socialism refers to a broad set of economic theories of social organization advocating public or state ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equality for all individuals

Below is a list of Countries who constitution makes referance to socialist ideals, but are NOT communist. your right American should strive to be more like these countries.

[edit] Constitutional references
Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh (since 16 December 1972) (Gônoprojatontri Bangladesh) (see Constitution of Bangladesh)
Egypt - Arab Republic of Egypt (Gumhūriyyet Maṣr el-ʿArabiyyah) (since 11 September 1971) (see Constitution of Egypt)
India - Republic of India (since 2 November 1976) (see Constitution of India)
Libya - Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (Al-Jamāhīriyyah al-ʿArabiyyah al-Lībiyyah aš-Šaʿbiyyah al-Ištirākiyyah al-ʿUẓmā) (since 1 September 1969)
Portugal - Portuguese Republic (República Portuguesa) (since 1976) (see Constitution of Portugal)
Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka (since 7 September 1978) (see Constitution of Sri Lanka)
Syria - Syrian Arab Republic (Al-Jumhūriyyah al-ʿArabiyyah as-Sūriyyah) (since 1973) (see Constitution of Syria)
Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania (since 26 April 1964) (see Constitution of Tanzania)

[edit] Informal
Nicaragua - Republic of Nicaragua (República de Nicaragua) (see Sandinista)
Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (República Bolivariana de Venezuela) (see Bolivarianism)

Maybe next time when Socialist Europe goes to war America will keep its damn nose out, we saved your ass once might not do it again, although Socialist obama will have his dick so far up Europe's ass we will have to help them again.. hell most of your Armies and Air Forces are fighting with out equipment anyways.

while you make good points, i do want to clarify that i didn't mean to imply that i think america should strive to be like other socialist nations. i was simply curious why people have so ardent a reaction when it is suggested that socialism is good, or that it could benefit america.

that said, i think your first paragraph is excellent - a system of economic theories adaptable to many situations. not this evil ideology.


Lurk here is why, during the Cold War from about 1945-1992 Capitalism=USA and Socialist=USSR. thats all you need to know we are just born not liking Socialist or Socialist ideas. it will never change
Lurk here is why, during the Cold War from about 1945-1992 Capitalism=USA and Socialist=USSR. thats all you need to know we are just born not liking Socialist or Socialist ideas. it will never change

sure, i think i knew that, but now when i'm teaching, i mention the cold war to students and they have no idea what i'm talking about. do you think the mccarthy inspired view of communists will continue to sustain themselves even in this generation that doesn't even understand james bond movies about russians?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
People are afraid of spiders and spiders are way less scary than the idea of living in a socialist country. There's your answer.


Hiliary 2020
once upon a time a few shiploads of people came and settled in a new land.
a big barn, like a warehouse was constructed to place all goods in.
so one family was given the job of raising chickens, another growing wheat, another growing barley, another growing fruits, ect ect.
when the time came to harvest their crops/livestock they would all put their goods in the barn, therefore it was a barn filled with food for the community to live on.
When you needed something, you just went and got it from the barn.
Funny thing happened however, one day the barn went empty.
I reckon they figured why work all day in the field if the stuffs just sitting in the barn for the takin.
many people starved that year.

So the leader decided to do a crazy thing.
He let each family continue to raise their food, but he destroyed the barn.
So if the chicken family needed barley they traded chickens with the barley family.
and so on and so on..........this way, the more of your crop you grew, the more you could trade for it.
I heard tell you could get your dick sucked for 2 chickens or a 3 Bushells of squash.


Socialism helps, when done correctly, to accomplish that.

Can someone enlighten me? Americans? why are you afraid of, why do you hate Socialism?

You said it right there. When it's done correctly. How often does that happen? And hey, I think this is a great topic and should be discussed constructively. But, how often is Socialism done correctly?

I kinda breezed through the responses, so forgive if I'm repeating: Democracy's main strong point is the separation of powers. Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. We will not give that up. Not to mention that, thanks to the 1st and 2nd Amendments, the general population has the ultimate power. While there is no shortage of revolutionary governments, presently and throughout history, most of them made it their business to curtail any future revolutions as their first priority. When our Founding Fathers got finished with their revolution, they made it their first priority to make damn sure we could do it again, if we wanted.

Let me put it this way. We proved that Democracy was the way to go the day Nixon left office. A mega-powerful, mega-influential president is forced to resign in disgrace and....... he does. No tanks, no riots, no wholesale slaughter of innocents. It was worth losing a president just to prove that we could. Show me a Socialist country where that could ever happen.
Maybe next time when Socialist Europe goes to war America will keep its damn nose out, we saved your ass once might not do it again, although Socialist obama will have his dick so far up Europe's ass we will have to help them again.. hell most of your Armies and Air Forces are fighting with out equipment anyways.

You got one thing wrong. It's Europe's dick up his ass. :D
Most economies are mixed with capitalism and socialism. The free market decides what products we have, what they cost and encourages competition which encourages like products to be made better and cheaper. Capitalism also allows for people to move up in classes. Some people have more than others, but most everyone has more than they would if everyone had the same or nothing. The consumer rules in capitalism. If they don't want it or can't afford then they don't buy it. The producer will find a way to get a product to a customer for the price consumers are willing and able to pay.

Socialism promotes one class, but in reality it always has two: the workers and the elite. The people in power still have more than the average person in power. The producer rules in socialism. You buy what they have or not. If you don't buy, they have an inventory of unwanted goods. It's harder to encourage people and producer to do better.