Why all american girls look so ugly?

Wow such a stupid generalization. I'm not even American and I disagree with such a stupid statement. Every country has beautiful and ugly people period.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That question has haunted man since the beginning of time. "Why am I here?", "What is the meaning of life?", "Does God truly exist?"...these deeply complex existential questions so often asked by millions, they pale in relevance and importance when compared to "Why all american girls look so ugly?"

I've often wondered that myself and thus have decided once and for all to find the answer and put the issue to rest. I have researched high and low, I have left no stone unturned. I have employed the references of the world's most respected sources of research and information.

After consulting with leading researchers at the Center for Applied Research at Encyclopedia Brittanica and the lead scientist at the Christie Brinkley Institute of Universal Hotness, they have all come up with the same answer:

You are a douchebag :thefinger:

It had to be said. And rep to you for saying it. :hatsoff:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Thats like asking why are all guys with the username 'computerfreak' really totally lame guys who can't get laid? There really is no one answer :)

To be honest, there is that one answer, but they don't like it so much :glugglug:

Try to chat with a girl on a party about Dungeons and Dragons or your awesomely tweaked new PC, and the kind of action you would maybe get from her if you are very happy will be a 'Wow, that's very interesting' and a sudden urge on the female part to go to the kitchen for a loooong drink of water that is more exciting than you :rofl:
You gotta be looking in the wrong place. I practically jizz walking down the street on the first day of spring where the skirts are shorter and the shirts are lower cut and guuhhhhhhhhhhhhh...


could be.
A lot of you all seem offended by this thread, even enough to neg rep the op.
but next time youre out and about in the states, maybe take a walk through a walmart or any supermarket ect......look around.......count how many women you see who have NOT simply just let themselves go as opposed to those who have, i bet it will be a very very low percentage.
what i just wrote cannot be said of any other country in the world.

Man dunno never been to America but I am gonna stand by what I said earlier. Cus I have been to Cambridge, Ontario Canada which is pretty much North America amiright amiright? lulz.

Point is I couldnt walk more than 10 metres without seeing some hotty, I tell you man I had a real slack jaw from all the gawking:rofl: And hell this wasnt even Kitchener a far busier spot.