I want to face-pie this one asshole that rides the bus with me every morning. Every fucking day, he does the same exact thing and it makes me want to rip all of my hair out...
Step 1) Enter the bus
Step 2) Although there are quite a few seat choices, sit right next to me
Step 3) Cough really loud
Step 4) Follow the cough with a weird "inhale" noise that I can't even describe
Step 5) Pull newspaper out of brief case
Step 6) Open newspaper and spread out the pages as wide as they can go
Step 7) Flip through newspaper pages, making sure to hit me with them every single time
Step 8) Cough really loud for a second time
Step 9) Without blinking, stare at me for a minimum of 6 minutes
Step 10) Exit bus
You know I had a similar situation today, I was on the bus, and this old woman sat next to me, it was the only seat available so yeah she was allowed to take it - bitch - but what I found strange was that every couple of seconds she would look at me and keep looking for about 2-3 minutes.
For about 25 minutes I tried to ignore it, but then it began to annoy me so I tried to catch her at it, she looked and I turned my head and she turned away, but then I caught her and stared at her for a few seconds until she turned away.
Feeling quite proud of myself :dunno: I began to notice that she was doing it again!!!
I dont care if that bitch wanted to fuck me, although 70 year olds really do it for me :nanner: I would pie that cunt right in the middle of her smug fucking face then again, and again, and again, and AGAIN!!!!
I looked at her again, then it was my time to get off, im still not quite sure what she wanted........
I should have spit on her