Who's Your "One That Got Away"?

Who's your "one that got away?" For me it's my first crush who I first met in fourth grade. She transferred to a different school in the seventh grade and we didn't reunite until last year, although I knew she was around because a few of my buddies ran into her from time to time. She was at my friend's party and we reconnected and began a relationship. A few months into the relationship we went our separate ways and broke up. Fast forward to April of this year where I ran into her at a club. We got to talking again and she told me that she still had feelings for me and I expressed the same thing to her. The problem was that I was, and currently still am,in a relationship with another girl. We exchanged numbers and texted for some time but nothing ever happened. This is my "one that got away".


knows petras secret: she farted.
ive had a lot of great gfs in the past. three of em would have been marriage material. one i fucked up on, and two got into drugs.

but hey, i ended up with the right one in the end.
the one i'm with currently fell into that category...we drifted apart and ended up coming back together better than ever :dunno:

Will E Worm

I'm glad they went away. :D

Now a few fishes that got away I wish I had caught. :1orglaugh
I'm diggin the threads Icecold.

This is a touchy subject. I'm happy with who I'm with, but I'm still friends with a few of my ex's, fuck buddies and once in a while I wonder, What If?. I guess I should just feel lucky that I have a bunch of cool "girlfriends" I can rely on for whatever. :dunno:


A girl named Maria in grades 6-8. I'm 46 and I still think about her.

Fuck the impossible. :cussing: I want a time machine and I want it now!!! :bawling:
girl named Anna. started messing around with her when i was a year out of high school, she was still a senior. we had amazing sex, she totally clicked with me. even took me to her prom. but apparently i started having feelings before she did, let her know and she started becoming more distant by the day. apparently shes been talking about me (through the grapevine) but i doubt anything will come of it. god damn i wish i had been able to keep her. she was perfect
girl named Anna. started messing around with her when i was a year out of high school, she was still a senior. we had amazing sex, she totally clicked with me. even took me to her prom. but apparently i started having feelings before she did, let her know and she started becoming more distant by the day. apparently shes been talking about me (through the grapevine) but i doubt anything will come of it. god damn i wish i had been able to keep her. she was perfect

it could still happen. don't write it off, don't count on it either but keep the possibility open...
Fifteen years ago I could have stolen a girlfriend of a friend who was cheating on her with two others.
But I didn't since he was a friend.
But it saved me lots of misery since she began drinking too much and hanged with the wrong crowd.
Now she is married and have stopped the drinking.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Don't have one, yet.
I AM the one that got away, there were these girls I met (not at the same time but like one every few months) and I was serious about a relationship with them but they either were not interested or for some reason needed "time to decide" but because for me that seems a lot like an undecisive person by the time they decided I was gone.


Hiliary 2020
His name was Bruce.
He came over to repair the front steps one summer in the mid 80's
He had the most incredible blue eyes............sigh.
But that was long ago, in a place that is no more.

Man I've let so many go I can't keep track.......but had a lot of fun all the while.

Fitting scene.......sad as hell

Stop her you fool! She's hot.

I AM the one that got away, there were these girls I met (not at the same time but like one every few months) and I was serious about a relationship with them but they either were not interested or for some reason needed "time to decide" but because for me that seems a lot like an undecisive person by the time they decided I was gone.

Good attitude RS.
Me too, I was the best thing that happened to many girls in my life, but they fucked it up.
Then you see them later at some point and their all messed up or with some dweeby asshole that they settled for.
There have been a few over the years that after the fact I wondered "what if.." about. Most of the time it came down to a choice between two girls and me picking the wrong one. Back in my school days I was completely oblivious to the fact I had a lot of girls drooling over me. Plus I had confidence issues that made me aim a little lower than I should have. I wasn't dating ugly girls, but was dating in the 6-7 range. They would see "hotter" girls looking at me and that would lead to problems. Yes, I was flirting with them but I had no intention of hooking up with them. I always thought that they were out of my league. It wasn't until years later when I would run into some of the girls that told me about the crushes that they had on me. Luckily I started dating women that had enough self-confidence to realize that my flirting was just that and that I was still coming home to them.


Closed Account
A girl I didn`t know very well at college. Then I saw her about 6 months later across a crowded room (how romantic) in London, most unexpectedly, but it proved impossible to get to talk to her. There was something about her look that made me think we both knew we were missing an opportunity. That was quite a few years ago and I remember it vividly.


Since my high school years, I have a long history of somehow getting friendly with jewish girls, well... every one of them got away because I am not of jewish extraction. :o
It was always on the second date where I would learn about 'the divide'.

Dating Jewish Girls: This is almost worthy of its own thread... :p
No it's not! :1orglaugh

It's all good today though, I 'finally' met a woman who wasn't jewish :1orglaugh... but the 72 mile gap between us needs to close... in due time...in due time.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Oh boy, I would say the one that got away was the hot little nympho I dated when I was 21, she was 18. We dated for 7 or 8 months, the sex was great and nasty she was awsome in bed. I remember her professing her love to me and me being the asshat at 21 I rejected her. We did meet up 3 years later and I found out that she was bisexual when I had a 3 some with her and her girlfriend. However I am plutonic friends with her now, and she has a nice guy as boyfriend.


I changed high schools, I sat next to her in one of my classes. Thought she was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen - blond....just gorgeous. We were friends through most of high school, I had a massive crush on her. She must have known. We didn't see each other for a while after school, though somehow started hanging out again when we were about 20. We ended up seeing each other for a while. Given the crush I had on her it was a fantasy come true. I fell for her bad, the sex was amazing and we were great together. Unfortunately she had already made plans to go travelling overseas, and I wasn't really in a very good state at the time so the wheels came off the relationship after a few months. It was all a bit intense.

I'm embarrassed to say that I've thought about her every day since then, even though it was 8 years ago. I recognize it's probably just loneliness, poor health and hornyness talking. If those things were removed I might have a much different view of her. I think I'll always be fond of her in some way though, I don't see how I couldn't be.:lovecoupl


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
My one that got away was a girl I knew in high school. I don't know how I managed it but we got really close in grade 11 & 12 but we never made it official. I was going to ask her out and she was my date to our graduation dance (we don't have proms) and a week before i find out she got a boyfriend. She absolutely broke my heart and then when i asked her why she only made it worse... I guess we made it out of it alright be cause she is still my best friend, but... I think I will always have feelings for her. Looking at her compared to the rest of the girls I know, she was perfect for me. But she won't be mine and that still hurts.
I have two of them. I'm not sure which one is the one that got away so I'll post them both.

I met Sarah on a bus while traveling and we got to know one another fairly well. The trip was roughly about a 15 hour ride. We flirted with getting off the bus and getting a room together, man was she ever fine. Anyway, I ended up transferring buses at this one stop while she was in the restroom. For some reason we never exchanged information... the look on her face as I was leaving will stick with me. We both thought it was kinda kinky or something not exchanging info.... messed up idea that one there.

My other girl got kicked to the curb because of an ex-friend. He lied about her hitting on him when it was the other way around. I never found out about this until she had already moved back to her hometown and had a new man. She was down to ditch him when we contacted one another but I couldn't do that. She had a son with him by then. Now they are happily married, so, guess I made the right choice in that regard. I'm happy for her.