I still have some doubts but it is very possible that is is her, as long as :
Everything posted in this thread (but links to Anastasia or Nastja Braun, of course) have been shot prior to 2005.
That somewhere between mid 2004 and mid 2005, she went through lots of surgery and had removed:
mole besides her nose
mole under her neck
All of her beauty marks she had almost all over her body (besides her pussy, between her breasts, on her rignt back shoulder and arms, on legs and also had cured some skin problems or her left cheek.
Also she had breast surgery.
You'll see all these on these 2 pictures.
All that is very possible. She did all this and added her navel piercing and came back. She should not at some point used the alias Nastja if she wanted to hide it. There is just one little mystery for me. Why did she removed all these beauty marks and then add this little black beauty mark on top of her left leg ?
The other thing, this girl seems to me older than Anastasia.
But I will let you decide these this thing. You have looked at this girl much longer than I did.
You shouild add MC-Nudes Anastasia to this thread.