Who's The Man In Wrestling?



    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Brett 'HITMAN" Hart

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • Ric"The Nature Boy" Flair

    Votes: 2 8.3%

    Votes: 4 16.7%

    Votes: 2 8.3%

    Votes: 2 8.3%

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Steve "Stone Cold" Austin

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Andre "The Giant"

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Kurt " The American Heroe" Angle

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You seen them for years but who do you believe is the numero uno wrestler of all time? Vote and decide.
lucky4 said:
how could it not be hogan
Probably because Hogan's in-ring work and wrestling ability would be considered sub-par at best.

Seriously though, if you're going to do an "all-time" list, do some research because your list of nominees is worthless without:
Lou Thesz
Frank Gotch
Joe Stecher
Ed "Strangler" Lewis
Dory Funk Jr.
Harley Race

...and possibly some others. Professional wrestling did not start 20 years ago.


Closed Account
Heres my top 10 in particular order:

1. The Undertaker (1991-1999, he plain sux ass now)
2. HBK Shawn Michaels (as heel dx circa 1998)
3. Bret "Hitman" Hart
4. Ultimate Warrior
5. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
6. Kane (original from 1998/99)
7. Stone Cold Steve Austin
8. Ric Flair (to be the man you gotta beat the man !)
9. Sting
10. The Rock (charismatic corperate heel champ, 1999)

My top 5 Tag Teams:
1. New Age Outlaws
2. Demolition
3. Hart Foundation
4. Road Warriors
5. Hardys
Btw, if any of you wrestling fans wanna join a cool growin community forum, heres the link:


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Probably because Hogan's in-ring work and wrestling ability would be considered sub-par at best.

Seriously though, if you're going to do an "all-time" list, do some research because your list of nominees is worthless without:
Lou Thesz
Frank Gotch
Joe Stecher
Ed "Strangler" Lewis
Dory Funk Jr.
Harley Race

...and possibly some others. Professional wrestling did not start 20 years ago.

True it did began long time ago, before I was even born, but these guys back then were good but there were more than those and I only had an option of ten, I went for the top ten main eventers of the past decade. Frankly you know that the "Legends" list would have to include Antonio Inoki, The great Kabuki, The Great Mutta, Terry Funk, The Brisco Bros., Bruno Samartino, Nic Bockwinkle, Fabolous Moolah, Jerry King Lawler, Superstar Billy Graham, Jesse Ventura, Brody, Vader, Marttel and on and on... these guys were gods in their regional promotion but got fame abroad late in their career. Now the guys that I have a list put wrestling in cable TV and international and filled main eventers cards in the biggest arena...Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are among the modern day legends.
Good choices wrestling fans...here's my fav tag team:

1. Road Warriors/w Paul Ellering( before WWF killed this tag team)
2. Scott Hall & Kevin Nash/w Sixx Pac(NWO glory days)
3. The Acolytes ( Farooq & Bradshaw)- when they were part of the Ministry of Darkness
4.The Steiners Bros.(before scottie Big Poppa Pump fluke)
5. The Skyscrappers( Sid Vicious & Dan Spivie)
6. The Invaders( Invader #1 & #2)- Puerto Rico most popular tag team..they made it to WWF in the 80's
7. The Samoan Swat Team ( Bad ASSES!)
8. Bruiser Brody & Stan "The Lariat" Hansen ( they were so brutal that they were banned in the states, got their fame abroad)
9. Big John Studd and King Kong Bundy ( The heaviest tag team in history)
10. The Dudleys ( Devon & Bubba)- nothing like nerds kicking asses and breaking tables.
Top Stable:

1. NWO (Hogan,Nash,Hall) w/Ted Tibiase
2. Four Horseman (Flair, Blanchard, Arn Anderson & Luger) w/JJ Dillon.
3. Corporate Ministry Of Darkness ( Undertaker, Triple H, Acolytes and many others) w/Vince
4. Heenan Family ( Studd, Bundy, and many other giants of wrestling)
5. Dungeon Of Doom ( The Giant, Meng, Barbarian, Hugh Morris) w/ Kevin Sullivan
6. NWO Black & White unites with Red and Black (Hogan, Nash, Hall, Big Poppa Pump, Luger, and many others)
7. Pippers Group ( Roddy, Wonderful, Dr Schultz)
8. DX
9. The Harts ( Brett, Owen, Bulldog and Pillman)
10. Nation Of Domination ( Farooq, Rock, D-LO, and Kama)
HULKSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Hogan Nash and Hall were the best:D
I voted ANGLE. Most of the rest are shite. Other current favourites are Chris Jericho, Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit.
don_equis said:
True it did began long time ago, before I was even born, but these guys back then were good but there were more than those and I only had an option of ten, I went for the top ten main eventers of the past decade. Frankly you know that the "Legends" list would have to include Antonio Inoki, The great Kabuki, The Great Mutta, Terry Funk, The Brisco Bros., Bruno Samartino, Nic Bockwinkle, Fabolous Moolah, Jerry King Lawler, Superstar Billy Graham, Jesse Ventura, Brody, Vader, Marttel and on and on... these guys were gods in their regional promotion but got fame abroad late in their career. Now the guys that I have a list put wrestling in cable TV and international and filled main eventers cards in the biggest arena...Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan are among the modern day legends.
Well, the fact that the Ultimate Warrior and Bill Goldberg are on the list still discredits the entire list. I know this is all subjective, but the fact that people are voting for them is even worse.


Favorite Wrestlers:

Triple H
Stone Cold
Jeff Hardy


D-Generation X BABY!!! That's right WWFallon!
NWO Wolfpac

Tag Teams:

New Age Outlaws
Triple H and Shawn Michaels
Kane and Undertaker
The Outsiders


Stephanie McMahon
Sunny (before she got drugged up)
Trish Stratus
Stacy Keibler

Oh and, I got two words for ya.... SUCK IT! :hatsoff:


don_equis said:
who is or was he?

I believe he is referring to "Big Daddy Cool" Diesel, otherwise known as "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash. If not then my apologies, but the only big daddy I know is the man.. Kevin Nash baby! :hatsoff:
I know of Nash's nickname but he saids R.I.P..is he dead?
The Ultimate Warrior(he was known as Dingo Warrior then) did most of his career in World Class Championship Wrestling in Texas as a heel. He had memorable battles against the Von Erics under the managment of Perci Pringle( Paul Bearer), he then moved on to the WWF (WWE our days) and became megapopular. He took the IC title in record time from the Honky Tonk Man, had a series of feuds against Hercules, Undertaker and even Andre the Giant, he put Macho Man out of the WWF. He and Hogan had the second most attended main event in the history of Wrestlemania. For that I that and I like the character he deserve his time in Wrestling History and in this poll.

Goldberg- Rookie of the year(WCW), in first year took on the NWO, bested Hogan for his first world title,he practically dominated the last years of that company...he then moved to the WWE, he beated Lesnar, defeated Triple H for the title.. I like him too and think even though his career his brief he still has his part in sports entertaiment history.

Never have I seen two wrestlers dominate their opponents so easy and owerhelm them with sheer brutal power. Goldberg and Warrior are the Mike Tyson's of wrestling even if they hate the sport that made them famous.
Bruno Sammartino
the von ericks

I don't care so much about this "sport", but there are some good video and computer games made based on this.

Something other a little "wrestling" related is the film Princess Bride. It's a very amusing Fantasy film, with André the Giant in one of the roles. Other actors you might recognize is Fred Savage ("The Wonder Years") and Cary Elwes ("Robin Hood - Men in Tights")

Princess Bride, The (1987)
don_equis said:
Never have I seen two wrestlers dominate their opponents so easy and owerhelm them with sheer brutal power. Goldberg and Warrior are the Mike Tyson's of wrestling even if they hate the sport that made them famous.
First and foremost, I'm just engaging you in friendly debate.
But let's not forget this about Wrestling... it's a work. Warrior and Goldberg are more products of promotion than their own abilities. Neither could cut a decent promo. Warrior would be blown up before his matches began. And Goldberg was/is an uncooperative schlub who no-sold too much and couldn't work a decent match longer than five minutes. They both had impressive looks, and a modicum of charism, but didn't really bring much else to the table. There are some other very flawed performers on the list, but these two really jump out at me.


Closed Account
Guys like Hogan, Warrior were huge talents and the business wouldnt be what it is today without them. Its popular at the moment to diss any worker who isnt a technichal wrestler and label them talentless which is bullshit. They way these pricks talk is as is wrestling were real and a shoot.....Benoit, Hart, Michaels are actors and personality's above anything else. Hogan concentrated little on his in ring work because he has charisma by the bucketload and was way over with the fans...He didnt need to imitate the Dynamite Kid .
As Ric Flair says, wrestling is entertainment and "telling a story". Its not trying to show how many belly to belly suplexes and submissions you can pull of in a single match. That doesnt excite the kids. All the top superstars contribute in there own special way and should be ackowleged for it. If you want a shoot go watch the UFC....