There is this black girl that does alot of work with the bang bros crew (BMF, ass parade etc) and I haven't been able to find her name for shit. I never really paid attention to her until recently though. She had a set for I guess AssParade and she was just on fucking fire. They had her like posing outside on a balcony and her ass was fucking perfect. And then they went inside to get down. She was wearing those trendy fucking armbands that rappers wear, and they were the colors of africa, black yellow green. I lost that link not too long ago. I mean she's no Selena spice, but she's fine in that set. Man I'm dead tired so I'm just trying to get this posted fast, I don't even have a picture of her. I mean I got few, but not going to upload right now. Anyway, if you're into bangbro's she was the ONLY black girl in the soccer game orgy if you caught that. If you can help me with her name I'd be in your debt. Really sorry for no pic, but like i said, I'm about to drop.