Who's Nailin' Paylin?-The XXX Video

Saw the first scene and thought the dialogues were very very poor, unfunny and not convincing at all. I mean I know it's a parody but some porn movies are good to watch (like most Brazzers scene) but not this one, the dialogue were way too cheesy and even if it was made to be like this, it still was boring to watch.

Wish the director was better.


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Okay, I am worried now. Since Obama officially won, will Nailin' Palin still go on? I really hope it does, because she looks so good doing it. But I get an overwhelming feeling that Lisa Ann won't do it because she lost, as people may soon forget who Sarah Palin was, as she grows out of the limelight.
Okay, I am worried now. Since Obama officially won, will Nailin' Palin still go on? I really hope it does, because she looks so good doing it. But I get an overwhelming feeling that Lisa Ann won't do it because she lost, as people may soon forget who Sarah Palin was, as she grows out of the limelight.
nah, they'll still milk it for all it's worth, lol.

the pundits in the media will be wailing on for ages yet about where McCain/Palin/the GOP go from here.

Obama won't be in til January.

Looks like they added "Obama" into the mix.

Check the script and a youtube clip