:wave2: Loads of threads going on sig. help, but don't think there's one going on sig id's yet.
Thought I'd start it after seeing Ladylove's new Avatar & Sig - got no id's on the models, but they're hot!
Though a lot of the avatars & sigs are easy to id, some aren't.
So let us know who's in your Avatar (and/or) Sig, and why. If possible, post a link to a relevant thread on the model (if you're using one).
Thought this'd be a good way to 'publicise' your favourite model, especially if they're less well known.
My Avatar & Sig both have pictures of Sanja Matice (aka Sanja Malic, Sanja Angie).
She's probably my favourite model, and can find more of her stuff in this thread:
Thought I'd start it after seeing Ladylove's new Avatar & Sig - got no id's on the models, but they're hot!
Though a lot of the avatars & sigs are easy to id, some aren't.
So let us know who's in your Avatar (and/or) Sig, and why. If possible, post a link to a relevant thread on the model (if you're using one).
Thought this'd be a good way to 'publicise' your favourite model, especially if they're less well known.
My Avatar & Sig both have pictures of Sanja Matice (aka Sanja Malic, Sanja Angie).
She's probably my favourite model, and can find more of her stuff in this thread: