Whoever wants to fuck my throat


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
oh yeah? You must be gay then dayum sorry to hear that.

If thinking that this is one of the dumbest threads I've seen makes me gay, then baby I don't want to be straight.
Haven't you got some homework to do..or something? :sleep:


Could be a man, so... I'm undecided on the matter.


No thanks. I like to at least know the women I'm 'intimate' with

Theres nothing intimate about stabbing a strangers throat with your erect penis, is there?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
:raises hand: I dont want to fuck anything. Make your throat fuck me.

::puts the chair in 'recline' mode::

If you're any good I'll put you in the recliner and actually fuck the second time around.

Then again, no.. I dont want any blowjobs or sex today. Just a few drinks, some guitar hero and definitely some second-life.
Chef, thanks for clearing up that "wearing Pink" thing for me. Luckily, I've never owned any Pink clothing that wasn't the result of a horrid, frightening laundry error involving a red shirt and white socks.
