Before I saw the poll.. I've honestly had my interest piqued by thoughts of a Britney Spears sex tape. I havent thought she was hot since her mega-flat tits back during the 90s. Hit me one more time, I think was the song? ANYWAY! The tape sounds interesting.. because I like pregnant gals.. I like celebrities.. and it's reportedly FOUR hours long! Pamela, Paris..MacPherson's sister.. all too short for my liking. But four hours is plenty of variety.
But.. I'd rather see Timberlake pounding her than K-Fed. For frick's sake she has piss taste in baby daddy's.
P.S. Edit: Oh, and I chose Nikki Nova because she's a classier version of Jas St. Clair, IMO. I've been waiting for something 'orgasmic' from her since I first saw her.