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Some of guys have problems getting it up, others are obviously on Stamina-RX , Rhino 51, Rock Hard Weekend or some other over the counter male enhancement pills.

Their cocks are hard the minute they start and they are bright red from the pills.


Are the guys who are unable to get it up --suffering from stage fright? Or did they do a pre-scene wank and shoot their loads before the shoot?

A red cock from a pill? Wtf? Never heard of that....

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Are the guys who are unable to get it up --suffering from stage fright? Or did they do a pre-scene wank and shoot their loads before the shoot?

A red cock from a pill? Wtf? Never heard of that....

Their faces get red from the blood rush from these pills

I have no idea why these guys have issues getting hard, it could be either of the things you mentioned or something else.
I think after hearing more about the whole AIDs breakout... No one