Who would win in a fight between...

Microsoft (can't say otherwise or my PC will explose!)

Nerds or Members of the Football team?


Nikki Benz: Simply the best #1!!


Lord Dipstick

Kurt Cobain and Billy Corgan


Closed Account
The Roadrunner could out run that little pip squeak so I'm going with him.

Tom (Of Tom and Jerry fame) or Wiley Coyote?
Wiley. Or at least, if isnt winning, it will be just too damn funny to see him trying :D

Bugs Bunny or Roger Rabbit?


Closed Account
I think the Geico Caveman would start to beat off when he saw Erin E-Surance. So I'm going with her!

Metallica or Megadeth

NOTE: If you choose Metallica you are stating that you are a giant whales vagina waiting to be penetrated by a huge whale penis :D
I take the Giant wales vagina waiting to be penetrated by a wales penis. Without Metallica you wouldn't have Megadeth.

Darth Vader or Mario?