★★Who will be crowned Miss FreeOnes?! Final Round Contest Thread ★★

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We, the regular posters (new or old) on this thread should petition Maurice to at least send us the final standings by "email" and/or the winner instead of having to wait until the Party according to some recent publications. Of course, under the penalty of permanent banishment if you repost it on freeones.
After seeing all her beautiful pics and her amazing body...and after have dreamed of her tonight (a :blowjob: together with Mariah Milano all for me!!) I have to vote for Got Gisele today! And maybe for the next days...If she want me to do so!!! ;)
We, the regular posters (new or old) on this thread should petition Maurice to at least send us the final standings by "email" and/or the winner instead of having to wait until the Party according to some recent publications. Of course, under the penalty of permanent banishment if you repost it on freeones.

lol forget it :hi:


Official Checked Star Member
I have to vote for Got Gisele today! And maybe for the next days...If she want me to do so!!! ;)

yes pleaseee!!!! hehehehe that is of course if you like making me do the happy jig...? :nanner:

Have to vote for got gisele

heheh thanks lover <3

The princess Got Gisele got me going and got my vote at work.

It's Vicky at Home.

woot!! rock on babe! i like the multitaskin ;)

got gisele again and again and again

and againnnnnnn and agaiinnnnsss and AGAIN! hehehe :lovecoupl
well i just hope for your sake that you can use your sword well because from what i've heard skill is more important than the size of one's sword and seeing russell crowe in action would seem to reinforce that...at least i'm hoping thats the case...no particular reason though, its not like my sword isn't large or anything, cuz it is...really large...:o:(:crying::helpme:

oh and todays vote went to Gisele :thumbsup:

ehehehhe...cheers mate!

P.S. great choice of voting..I am Voting today also for Stunner Mob Princess..Got Gisele!

she and Violet erotica been tearing apart the mob thread with awsome pics!
Another day... another Sunny Lane vote.

Although alot of these ladies are trying very hard to change my mind.
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