Who was the Pornstar that caught aids in anal scene?


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
You bumped a six month old thread just to announce that it's a dumb thread and that we don't need to talk about it? Seems like a performative contradiction to me.

'Nuff said.

Dont bump old topics unless it's for an update or a useful, valid point. Calling a thread dumb isnt so useful.
There was a long thread about that 4 years ago when the news about Darren James came out.

The number of pornstars infected with AIDS is probably much higher than we think or are told. Lukeisback made many articles about that at the time and on how the "industry" is efficient at hiding it.

Although KBM's question sounds weird, it is never bad to talk about AIDS and porn, a subject rarely discussed in porn forums. Whaty is not surprising. It is much more funny to say: "that filthy whore sucks every fucking cock she sees" instead of : "They should not do a scene without condom, that's not safe".


WOW, this is such a non-needed thread! But hey to each is own I guess! I just stumbled acrossed it, and thought WTF? Why do we need to talk about this anyway!?:confused:

well the stupid bump thing has been mentioned, so id also like to remind you how the original poster might of just been CURIOUS and there is nothing wrong with that
Is this some sort of strange new fetish, that has popped up over night, im thinking about what titles you could give to some of the DVDs:

"No Cum Dripping I Want AIDs 17"
"AIDs Worship 7"
"Infect Me 3"
"Take No Prisoners But Give Them AIDs"
"AIDspocolypse Now"
"AIDs Swapping 2"
"Chasey Laine Wants AIDs"

Oh the humanity!


Is this some sort of strange new fetish, that has popped up over night, im thinking about what titles you could give to some of the DVDs:

"No Cum Dripping I Want AIDs 17"
"AIDs Worship 7"
"Infect Me 3"
"Take No Prisoners and Give Them AIDs"
"AIDspocolypse Now"
"AIDs Swapping 2"
"Chasey Laine Wants AIDs"

Oh the humanity!

that looks like fun

American AIDSsucking championships 10
Jenna Loves AIDS
holy fuck...I have aids!!


So you're basically looking for girlfriend revenge porn? OOOOOOOO what a sadist you are. And let me guess, she cheated on you with some "******" am I right? Tell your little sob story to some other forum, because as you pointed out, no one here gives a FUCK. :thefinger
So you're basically looking for girlfriend revenge porn? OOOOOOOO what a sadist you are. And let me guess, she cheated on you with some "******" am I right? Tell your little sob story to some other forum, because as you pointed out, no one here gives a FUCK. :thefinger


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Made an account just to say this in a thread that's been inactive for over a year: Who gives a fuck about what anyone thinks?

Wow, you wasted your time. To be quite honest, most of the people here don't give a shit about what anyone else posts or thinks anyway. That makes your diarrhea of the mouth post all the more humorous. Also, the KKK called, and you left your hood in Maynard's basement.

Oh yeah, you're a gigantic douche bag too. :hatsoff:
TOOL is racist?!?! oh man I love that band :(

Oh no, LOL. I was just being sarcastic. :1orglaugh The guy said Maynard, so I was just jokingly assuming that he meant the lead singer of Tool.

I don't think any band as big as they are could be racist...at least I hope not.
how do people manage to stumble across threads like this? its not exactly recent and doesn't seem like it would be a commonly searched topic to me...:confused:
I am guessing a girl like you would love to be licked for a long, long time and to lick back... tasting all your juices deep in my mouth...
No idea, but is there a particular reason you are fascinated by this enough to the point you actually want to view it? Personally the thought seems rather sick to me.