The animals that get killed for food in a slaughterhouse are bred for that exact purpose. Bred and replaced. These seals are wild, and killed just for their fur.
I fail to see any real difference between the two. I don't see how animals that are bread are really any different in any logical way.
Besides like others have said if this was some ugly looking animal nobody would give a crap. Because it's cute and cuddly somehow it should be treated differently than any other animal. Death is death, and as long as it's done as cheaply and reasonably efficiently by those that do it and all ecological balance concerns are taken into account, then I don't care how it's done to an animal that's harvested.
This thread is really awful. makes me sad.. I've seen pictures of seals all bloody and beaten from 'clubbing'.. I'm sure there are other ways to earn some money. Everything is always killing. I'd rather be poor and live on the street than hurt them cute little seals.
No, that's not the reason for me. but I do think seals are cuter than cows. Cows ARE cute, but they are yummy. lol. Idk what a seal would taste like..? Probably not as good as a big juicy steak... flylicker