Who likes to go clubbing?



most people say this is a big no-no, but it's also what people in the north make their money from.
if you ban it, you first have to give them something else to do to make some money. and smuggling cigarettes and sniffing glue doesn't count as "something else".
I'd like to see those people like the one in your pic stripped naked on the ice and have others beat them with pipes to see how they feel.


I'd like to see those people like the one in your pic stripped naked on the ice and have others beat them with pipes to see how they feel.

Last year there was a story of some canadian seal clubbers who drowned during a hunt. Karma is a beautiful thing.

so people that work in abattoirs should be killed?

Totally different thing.

Do farmers run around in fields smacking cows over the heads with hammers?

The animals that get killed for food in a slaughterhouse are bred for that exact purpose. Bred and replaced. These seals are wild, and killed just for their fur.


the cows are killed just for their meat, and the fact that they are bred to be killed doesn't mean their lives are less important or that they feel less pain.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I laughed so hard, that was what I was thinking too!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


the cows are killed just for their meat

What do humans need more of: Food, or fur coats?

fact that they are bred to be killed doesn't mean their lives are less important or that they feel less pain.

Actually, it kinda does make their lives less important, if you think about it. Born to be eaten...:cool:

And the way they are killed is far more humane. 90% of the time anyway. Which probably means less pain.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Killing? Humane? Not a chance. Even putting a needle in an arm and doing it the bloodless, gutless way will.fuck.that.person.up.

Death isnt a word or an ideal, it's *the end*. Cows, chickens, humans, seals.. whatever.. you cant end a life without harming it. They're scared, they're hurt... it's all over, it's fucked, gone.

Now.. with that said.. I'm not a card carrying member of PETA, I eat meat without guilt.. it's just reality. Would I butcher an animal to feed myself? Fuck yes. Would I kill in self defense? Yes. Again. Would I kill something defenseless? Pay me and it will perish.

People shouldnt much rip on a seal clubber anymore than a car salesman or an IRS agent. Yeah, they're all fucking someone else over for their livelihood. That's humanity. Feel depressed, feel like an outsider emo, whatthefuckever... it's reality and it's always been that way.

In terms of science AND religion.. if they werent intended to be killed and enjoyed in such fashions then they'd friggin' fight back. Food chain.
This is how they make money hmmm, so say one day they kill off all or almost all of the wild seals! Then what? It's an excuse, if there were no seals they'd have to figure out a new way to make money. And who buys the dead seal? Meat lovers? Fur coat buyers? Sick.:mad:

Oh I do eat meat some chicken, fish 2 times weekly and a burger every once 3-4 years (really)!


some info:

the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) set the "total allowable catch" (TAC) of harp seals at 270,000 per year.[4] This number is, by comparison, smaller than the average number of animals killed for pelts on European fur farms every week.
Whats the point of this thread. It doesnt ask a sensible question, it offers no topic of dicussion, it seems to be here for no other reason than to rouse peoples anger on the board, I am one such poster who thinks this is sick.

It might be a necassary evil but flaunting it in our faces serves no purpose here. Unless you care to illustrate that which makes this thread relevant in some fashion.

I like that line "how people in the north make their money", no, its how some people make their money. Are they proud of what they do, do they admit it when people ask them what their occupation is, do they sleep soundly in their paid for houses knowing the cheque was written in blood of defenceless animals whose right to exist is taken away because someone says there are to many of them?

By that same logic there are to many humans on planet earth, do we start clubbing the aged, the infirm, those we deem arent worthy of a place amongst us. By that reasoning its gonna be a loot roomier once we're done.
I think they could find a better way to kill the Seals then clubbing them to death.

Your right, double tap with a 9mm to the back of the head. Gangsta Eskimo style!

Who cares how the animal is killed, fact is the animal is being killed one way or another, sparing it a painful death is not justification for the act.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Your right, double tap with a 9mm to the back of the head. Gangsta Eskimo style!

Who cares how the animal is killed, fact is the animal is being killed one way or another, sparing it a painful death is not justification for the act.

So you do not eat meat? If you do, the meat you are eating once was a living, breathing animal. There is a huge difference in the way animals can be killed. A double tap is more humane than a beating. :2 cents:


A couple of bullets to the back of the head would be a great change, just so those rich assholes have to pay a bit extra for their fur coats.