Killing? Humane? Not a chance. Even putting a needle in an arm and doing it the bloodless, gutless way will.fuck.that.person.up.
Death isnt a word or an ideal, it's *the end*. Cows, chickens, humans, seals.. whatever.. you cant end a life without harming it. They're scared, they're hurt... it's all over, it's fucked, gone.
Now.. with that said.. I'm not a card carrying member of PETA, I eat meat without guilt.. it's just reality. Would I butcher an animal to feed myself? Fuck yes. Would I kill in self defense? Yes. Again. Would I kill something defenseless? Pay me and it will perish.
People shouldnt much rip on a seal clubber anymore than a car salesman or an IRS agent. Yeah, they're all fucking someone else over for their livelihood. That's humanity. Feel depressed, feel like an outsider emo, whatthefuckever... it's reality and it's always been that way.
In terms of science AND religion.. if they werent intended to be killed and enjoyed in such fashions then they'd friggin' fight back. Food chain.