Who Killed JFK?

Some years ago I discusses the assassination with a senior policeman.He had earlier been exchanged with a Dallas cop for a year and got to know anyone who was anyone in the Dallas police force.He said that the Dallas guys both privately and publicly had no doubt that the official version was correct.

Of course. God forbid people be rational and react according to reason.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Some years ago I discusses the assassination with a senior policeman.He had earlier been exchanged with a Dallas cop for a year and got to know anyone who was anyone in the Dallas police force.He said that the Dallas guys both privately and publicly had no doubt that the official version was correct.

Oh my what a surprise that is! Nixon also said that he wasn't a crook and Clinton said he never had sex with Monica Lewinsky. :rolleyes:


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Some years ago I discusses the assassination with a senior policeman.He had earlier been exchanged with a Dallas cop for a year and got to know anyone who was anyone in the Dallas police force.He said that the Dallas guys both privately and publicly had no doubt that the official version was correct.
I smell a Fed.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Some years ago I discusses the assassination with a senior policeman.He had earlier been exchanged with a Dallas cop for a year and got to know anyone who was anyone in the Dallas police force.He said that the Dallas guys both privately and publicly had no doubt that the official version was correct.

What the hell else are they gonna say? "We botched that fuckin thing up so much I think I'll just retire and go into the witness protection program."?
CIA and the mafia. I had the opportunity to meet 10 years ago a retired high ranked top dog who was working for Allen Dulles and John Karamessines at the times of the investigation about Kennedy's assassination. He told me that the Italian mafia was also playing a very important role in Kennedy's assassination. What happened to his brother in 1968 was also a result of a vendetta made by the mafia. The last kennedy to die, John John, was also a victim of the mafia who back in the day gave a shitload of money to get Kennedy elected. Kennedy did something wrong that went in the opposite of the Mafia's interests. The plane that crashed in Martha's Vineyard was sabotaged and this wasn't an accident.
CIA and the mafia. I had the opportunity to meet 10 years ago a retired high ranked top dog who was working for Allen Dulles and John Karamessines at the times of the investigation about Kennedy's assassination. He told me that the Italian mafia was also playing a very important role in Kennedy's assassination. What happened to his brother in 1968 was also a result of a vendetta made by the mafia. The last kennedy to die, John John, was also a victim of the mafia who back in the day gave a shitload of money to get Kennedy elected. Kennedy did something wrong that went in the opposite of the Mafia's interests. The plane that crashed in Martha's Vineyard was sabotaged and this wasn't an accident.
& why did he tell you all this?
& wasn't the last Kennedy to die Ted Kennedy? :confused:


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& why did he tell you all this?
& wasn't the last Kennedy to die Ted Kennedy? :confused:
He forgot to mention that the mafia would beam radioactive waves at Ted Kennedy's head every night while he was asleep.
What the hell else are they gonna say? "We botched that fuckin thing up so much I think I'll just retire and go into the witness protection program."?

Cops are cynical beings and have seen pretty well everything. Some are surprisingly enough, intellectually honest.The conversations tool place about 30 years after the event so few if any of the cops he met were directly involved so there was no cover your ass element involved.Those with doubts would certainly have voiced them, what happened is that there seemed to be none.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Cops are cynical beings and have seen pretty well everything. Some are surprisingly enough, intellectually honest.The conversations tool place about 30 years after the event so few if any of the cops he met were directly involved so there was no cover your ass element involved.Those with doubts would certainly have voiced them, what happened is that there seemed to be none.

I have first hand knowledge of how cops think. I was one a long time ago. A cops first priority is to cover his own ass. The investigation was butchered. Evidence was lost or stolen, reports were inaccurate. Now weather this was because of ineptitude or because it was ordered by someone is a matter of debate. If it happened like the authorities said it happened all the documents would have been made public a long time ago.
& why did he tell you all this?
& wasn't the last Kennedy to die Ted Kennedy? :confused:

He was a good a friend of my uncle who knew him for a long time and I once asked the question about the Kennedy case, so he answered. The last Kennedy to die was John John in 1996 or 1997 during a plane crash.