Re: MILFs / Mature Women
Well, you've got
mine Vicky (I mean, when
didn't you, really?)!
And that avatar of yours frikkin'
KILLS me, btw...
I am exhausted, drained and just got the news. It is official from Booble, I won.... score one for the MILFS!
So, thanks so much to everyone for:
Putting up with my rambling non-stop bulletins
Listening to me requesting you to vote
Reading my blogs
Commenting on my page
Notifying me when things were up, when things were down
Getting your friends involved
Supporting a 43 year old Milf against the Number One Pornstar in the world
I have said it before, and I will say it again, will take a few thousand net friends who actually communicate than a quarter of a million 'friends' who have never gotten a reply from a real person.
I will detail what happened tomorrow since I am exhausted and want to go to bed.... but you guys made it happen with the rest of the internet world and it feels amazing to me.