Who is your favorite?

If I encountered any of those turds on the street I'd rob them at gunpoint.
Who are they and what have they done?
None of 'em. It's more scripted bullshit from THC. Each one's fatter and ruder than the next. It's interesting to see the history of some of the pawned/sold objects, but I don't need to see fake family squabbles or phony competitions between people who have triple chins and need to breathe in between every word.
Same goes for the fruits from American Pickers. Listen, if you can get white trash psychopaths bumpkins who are ripe with OCDs and other mental disorders to let you into their barn of horrors, with cameras, then there's no need to invent shticky scenarios to aid the show.
who are this clowns ?
yep. i like the show, but what the fuck does it have to do with history?